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Fine tuning of Radar Rainfall Estimates based on Bias and Standard Deviations Adjustments Angel Luque, Alberto Martín, Romualdo Romero and Sergio Alonso.

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Presentation on theme: "Fine tuning of Radar Rainfall Estimates based on Bias and Standard Deviations Adjustments Angel Luque, Alberto Martín, Romualdo Romero and Sergio Alonso."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fine tuning of Radar Rainfall Estimates based on Bias and Standard Deviations Adjustments Angel Luque, Alberto Martín, Romualdo Romero and Sergio Alonso Balearic Islands University, Spain This presentation can be downloaded from:

2 Introduction WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN REGION BASINS OF CATALONIA A detailed synoptic and numerical analysis of this case of study can be found in the article of Martin et al (2006). Authors have deduced that the atmospheric instability over Catalonia was caused by an active cold front.

3 Spanish Provinces. Catalonian internal basins. 126 ACA rain gauges and kriging area. Barcelona radar spatial coverage.

4 Table 1. Radar-rain images used for the calibration file generation. DayHour (UTC) Number of collocated Z, R points in the domain Comments June-10-200000:205430Radar-Rain images present “00:505430“ “01:205430“ “01:505430“ “02:205430“ “02:50-04:200Radar error “04:505430Radar-Rain images present “05:205430“ 38010Total number of Z, R points in the calibration file Radar maximum temporal resolution is 10 minutes. ACA maximum temporal resolution is 5 minutes.

5 CDF(dBZ) CDF(R) FR(dBZ) FR(R) HMT DCM MPS MPC HMT DCM MPS MPC HMT dBZ=10·log Z(mm 6 /m 3 ) dBR=10 ·log R(mm/h)

6 BIAS = 0 SDD BIAS CORR RMS HMTHMT*BIAS1.81-0.01 SDD4.221.16 RMS12.1110.18 CORR0.480.47 POD0.630.63 FAR0.220.22 CSI0.540.54 FRC0.780.78

7 HMT Zi(dBZ) Ri( mm·h -1 ) 7.50.2 13.51.5 17.54.5 20.57.5 23.510.5 26.513.5 29.519.5 32.525.5 35.528.5 39.537.5 41.543.5 44.555.5 47.564.5 50.579.5 54.588.5 56.588.5 Luque et al. 2006) ACA rain rates versus radar reflectivities and rain curves ( Luque et al. 2006) R(mm/h) = 0.0485·Z 2 – 0.7099·Z +4.8289 r 2 =0.997

8 Direct Calibration Method (DCM) dBZ=9.4200·dBR - 50.8131 A=8.293·10 -6, B= 9.42 R(dBZ) = 10 [(dBZ-10·log(A))/(10·B)] Z= A ·R B  dBZ= B·dBR+10·log(A) DZDF (Marshall & Palmer, 1948) where dBZ=10·log(Z) and dBR=10·log(R) dBZ  y dBR  x B  slope 10·log(A)  intercept

9 10 30 90 270 dBZ=9.4200·dBR - 50.8131 A=8.293·10 -6, B= 9.42 R(dBZ) = 10 [(dBZ-10·log(A))/(10·B)]

10 SDD = 0 (º) SDD BIAS CORR RMS c) BIAS = 0 SDD BIAS CORR RMS Centre of rotation DCMDCM*DCM**BIAS-0.63-1.090.13 SDD-7.15-0.203.25 RMS8.439.9412.12 CORR0.490.410.41 POD1.000.490.76 FAR0.580.270.34 CSI0.420.410.54 FRC0.420.790.74

11 10 30 90 270 dBZ=2.1386·dBR – 4.8268 A=3.0386, B= 2.13869 R(dBZ) = 10 [(dBZ-10·log(A))/(10·B)]

12 Standard Coefficients (MPS, MPC) Z= A ·R B  dBZ= B·dBR+10·log(A) DZDF (Marshall & Palmer, 1948) where dBZ=10·log(Z) and dBR=10·log(R) R(dBZ) = 10 [(dBZ-10·log(A))/(10·B)] Stratiform coefficients (MPS)  A=200, B=1.6 Convective coefficients (MPC)  A=800, B=1.6 Figure Verification of the methods Qualitative and numerical intercomparison of 3 hours rainfall accumulations. HMT, DCM, MPS and MPC estimations versus the ACA observations

13 Obs(mm/3h), day 09, 21-24h T L B HMT(mm/3h), day 09, 21-24h DCM(mm/3h), day 09, 21-24h MPS(mm/3h), day 10, 00-03h MPC(mm/3h), day 10, 00-03h Results

14 Obs(mm/3h), day 10, 00-03h T L B HMT(mm/3h), day 10, 00-03h DCM(mm/3h), day 10, 00-03h MPS(mm/3h), day 09, 21-24h MPC(mm/3h), day 09, 21-24h

15 Obs(mm/3h), day 10, 06-09h T L B HMT(mm/3h), day 10, 06-09h DCM(mm/3h), day 10, 06-09h MPS(mm/3h), day 10, 06-09h MPC(mm/3h), day 10, 06-09h

16 OBSHMTDCMMPSMPCDay/period (hours) Size5430 Mean5. 09/21-24 UTC SD10.415.318.05.32.2 BIAS2.53.7-3.5-4.8 SDD5.07.6-5.1-8.2 RMS8.711.57.38.8 CORR0.840.800.75 Size5430 Mean12.812.713.53.11.3 10/00-03 UTC SD16.520. BIAS-0.10.7-9.6-11.5 SDD3.77.1-9.4-13.5 RMS12.015.212.514.5 CORR0.810.770.710.70 Size5430 Mean11.512. 10/06-09 UTC SD8.014.611.22.00.9 BIAS0.6-1.4-10.0-10.9 SDD6.63.1-6.0-7.2 RMS11. CORR0.70 0.640.61 Size10860 Mean8.710. 09/21-24 UTC + 10/06- 09 UTC SD9. BIAS1.51.1-6.8-7.9 SDD5.85.4-5.5-7.6 RMS9. CORR0.770.740.690.67

17 Conclusions radar and rain gauges can be combined to improve the spatial distribution of the precipitation field and to gain accuracy in rainfall amounts within an operational context. radar and rain gauges can be combined to improve the spatial distribution of the precipitation field and to gain accuracy in rainfall amounts within an operational context. old radar algorithms not adjusted or corrected for a specific area can produce significant errors in rainfall rates and accumulations. old radar algorithms not adjusted or corrected for a specific area can produce significant errors in rainfall rates and accumulations. the HMT tuned by the BIAS is the method that provides the best CORR and the MPC method, the worse one. the HMT tuned by the BIAS is the method that provides the best CORR and the MPC method, the worse one. The DCM is the one that provides the best BIAS and SDD while the MPC is the method with the worst ones. The DCM is the one that provides the best BIAS and SDD while the MPC is the method with the worst ones. The HMT is an ATI (Area-Time Integral) method and it needs rain rate fields well distributed in time and space to be appropriately developed. The DCM curve can be performed with few rain gauges that can provide rain rates at high time frequency. The HMT is an ATI (Area-Time Integral) method and it needs rain rate fields well distributed in time and space to be appropriately developed. The DCM curve can be performed with few rain gauges that can provide rain rates at high time frequency. Our results in radar calibration are derived under the circumstances of a flood case and should not be applied directly to events in other areas and situations. Our results in radar calibration are derived under the circumstances of a flood case and should not be applied directly to events in other areas and situations.

18 Detailed Paper Luque A., Martin A., Romero R., and Alonso S., 2006, Assessment of Rainfall Estimates Using Standard Z-R Relationships and the Histogram Matching Technique Applied to Radar Data in a flood case in Catalonia. Submitted the 21-Jun-2006 to the International Journal of Remote Sensing, first version of the work available in in the radar-draft-submited.pdf file. A. Luque, A. Martin, R. Romero, S. Alonso Balearic Islands University, Spain This presentation can be downloaded from: Thank you

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