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Noun Formations Italian 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Noun Formations Italian 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noun Formations Italian 1

2 Formation of Italian Plural Nouns Ending in -O
Italian singular nouns that end in -o form the plural by changing the ending to –i ESEMPI: Singular - Plural Bambino - bambini impiegato - impiegati sasso - sassi Coltello - coltelli

3 Formation of Italian Plural Nouns Ending in -O
Nouns ending in -ìo (with a stressed i) form regular plurals ending in -ìi: ESEMPI Singular - Plural zìo - zìi

4 Formation of Italian Plural Nouns Ending in -O
Nouns ending in -ìo (with an unstressed i) lose the i of the stem in the plural, therefore ending in -i: ESEMPI: Singular - Plural viaggio - viaggi figlio - figli bacio - baci

5 Formation of Italian Plural Nouns Ending in -A
Nouns Italian singular nouns that end in -a form the plural with -e: ESEMPI: Singular - Plural bambina - bambine figlia - figlie casa - case

6 Formation of Italian Plural Nouns Ending in -E
Italian singular nouns that end in -e form the plural by changing the ending to -i, whether the gender of the noun is masculine or feminine. ESEMPI: Singular - Plural la madre - le madri il padre - i padri il leone - i leoni

7 Formation of Italian Plural Nouns Ending in -E
Italian nouns that end in -ie are invariable in the single and plural - only the following do not retain in the plural the same form as in the singular: Singular - Plural la moglie - le mogli la superficie - le superfici

8 Adesso Practichiamo! 1. il gatto - __________ 8. i libri - ____________ 2. il leone - __________ 9. le ragazze - ____________ 3. la donna - __________ 10. i padri - _____________ 4. il giudice - ___________ 11. i genitori - ____________ 5. la macchina - ____________ 12. le madri - ____________ 6. il gelato - ___________ 13. i mariti - _____________ 7. la sedia - ____________ 14. le mogli - _____________

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