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VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) methodological support 1st workshop : Administrative admissibility and feasibility process.

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Presentation on theme: "VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) methodological support 1st workshop : Administrative admissibility and feasibility process."— Presentation transcript:

1 VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) methodological support 1st workshop : Administrative admissibility and feasibility process

2 VAE applications 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu2 A VAE application is made up of 3 main sections each corresponding to a different level of analysis: Section one: the candidate’s background (education, professional and non-professional experience) Section two: a description of the candidate’s activities: presentation and analysis of his/her knowledge linked to qualification being sought. Section three: overview of knowledge/skills linked to the qualification being sought. Administrative and learning-related appendices

3 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu3 Where to start? In the following tables, candidates must detail any educational programmes that they have followed, and any experience they have, even if such experience does not relate to the qualification being sought. Section one

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7 Selecting relevant elements 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu7 Candidates select certain professional and/or non-professional experiences. The chosen experiences will then be described. They must identify the skills related to the qualification being sought. They must refer to the qualification framework. The advisor helps the candidate at this stage. Selection criteria to take into account: Role, level of responsibility, tasks performed Level of competence within the role Training undertaken Tools and methods used

8 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu8 Section two How to write the application?

9 Describing and analysing prior experience INTRODUCTION Candidates present their working environment and their position in the organisation chart. PLANNING - Principal responsibilities - Operational tasks WRITING Based on their plan, candidates must describe and analyse their role 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu9

10 Key element of the application: Writing Use of “I” Detailed presentation of acquired knowledge: explaining tasks Questions the candidate must ask him/herself: - What do I do? - In what context? - How? - What is my approach? - What tools do I use? - Whom do I collaborate with? etc. 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu10

11 Candidates will choose experiences that are significant for them. They can identify what worked, and what did not work in their role, analyse what they have done and what they can learn from it. Candidates must explain everything, even if it seems self-evident. Candidates must explain what they do, “their own methods” resulting from their own experience. 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu11

12 How can the advisor help the candidate explain? Tell me how you go about it. Imagine that I will replace you and I have to take over your role tomorrow (“doppelganger” method) If the candidate cannot manage? The advisor can use mirror questions referring to the candidate’s experience. Do you work in the same way today as you did when you started? What has changed? 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu12

13 Can you tell me about an experience that stands out for being unusual? What was different from what you usually do? What is your usual approach? What difficulties did you encounter? How did you handle the situation? What did this situation give you experience in? What can you learn from it? 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu13

14 The example of Mrs MARTIN Mrs MARTIN is too brief. Example: “I conduct recruitment interviews.” → How can she go further? 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu14

15 “I define our requirements in the job description. I send it to the recruitment service that then sends the advertisement to the government employment agency and to a specialised employment agency. Choosing which candidates to invite to interview is done in collaboration with the recruitment department based on the job description and our needs. My initial selection is based on the individual’s CV and then on the cover letter (the quality of the writing and spelling, emphasis on skills). I pay particular attention to their experience in the company’s domain, to their level of education. I then conduct an initial interview and evaluate the potential of each candidate. In the interview, I test their motivation with different questions-types: “Do you know the company? How and what do you know?” This shows me whether the candidate has done any research. “Why did you apply? What do you think the role is like?” This shows me how the candidate sees him/herself in our company. Lastly, I describe the role, the advantages and disadvantages and my expectations. At the end of the interview and after showing the candidate out, I immediately debrief with the head of recruitment, listing the candidate’s advantages and disadvantages. I carry out a reference check by contacting the candidate’s previous employer when I am unsure.” 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu15

16 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu16 Section three

17 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu17 The example of Mrs MARTIN KNOWLEDGESKILLS Area of knowledge Associated knowledgeArea of expertiseAssociated skills TAX SYSTEM-Incentives and participation -Income tax -Research tax credit -Apprenticeship tax credit -Balance sheet and income statement RECRUITMENT-Defining recruitment policy -Conducting job interviews -Proficiency in tools for managing applications -Identifying and analysing the current and future needs of the company

18 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu18 Support ORGANISATION: THE ADVISOR : Approximately 6 months On-site or distance Possible exchange of emails between meetings Work is sent 48 hours in advance to be read by the advisor Explanatory note in the VAE application Methodological and learning- related support Not an expert in the qualification, but knows the panel’s requirements

19 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu19 Explanatory note in the VAE application

20 2 occupational psychologists (qualified psychologists, baccalaureate + 5 years of study) 2 training officers (qualified training officers, baccalaureate + 4 years of study) 1 adult educator (Master’s in training adult educators) 17/12/2015www.valeru.eu20 Profile of advisors currently working at UBO

21 21 Mary Laure Perdigao, Presentation of the model and framework to produce the applicant file for RPL in UBO

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