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Presentation on theme: "SUCTION DREDGE OPERATION"— Presentation transcript:

Placer Examination Techniques

2 Suction Dredging is… The activity of sucking material with a gas propelled pump and depositing it on a sluice to collect the heavy material, or… Underwater vacuum cleaner.

3 Dredge Size Rated by the size of the intake nozzle.
Range: 2 inch to 10 inch diameter intake.

4 2 and 2 ½ inch dredges “Backpack” dredge Carried by 1 person
Small drainages Poor access 2.5 hp engine 50-90 lbs.

5 3 inch dredge Shallow drainages
Sniping along banks of larger streams and rivers 5 hp engines 20 – 35 foot intake hose 150 – 200 lbs

6 4 inch dredge Common size 1 to 2 person operation
1 person can haul once partially disassembled 5 – 8 hp engine 20 – 30 foot intake 200 – 250 lbs

7 5 inch dredge Common size Single 8 – 11 hp engine, or
Dual 5 hp engines Disassemble to transport 30 – 40 ft hose Assembly time: ½ to 1 hour 300 – 400 lbs

8 Dredge Production Manufacturer estimated production
Production based on experience 4 inch dredge 5 yards/hour 1.6 yards/hour 5 inch dredge 10 yards/hour 3 yards/hour 6 inch dredge 15 yards/hour _ 8 inch dredge 25 yards/hour

9 HOW IT WORKS Engine drives a centrifugal pump and air compressor
Pump drafts (pulls) water and forces it into a pressure hose Pressure hose is a direct path to the intake hose and causes a suction (venturi effect) 2 different configurations Suction nozzle Power jet

10 Suction Nozzle

11 Power Jet

12 Advantages – Which is better?
Suction nozzle works better in shallow water Power jet Creates a stronger suction Fewer hoses at the “working end”

13 Baffle Box

14 Clean-up Coarse pieces are picked out of the sluice on a daily basis.
Concentrates are washed out of the sluice on a daily or weekly basis Exams: sluice is cleaned after each sample

15 Clean-up Concentrates (black sands) are processed by panning or using a concentrating device such as a gold screw or gold wheel Very fine gold will require mercury amalgamation

16 AIR Hooka – low pressure air system using an air compressor feeding air lines and delivering air to the diver through a regulator. Air tank partway through the circuit supplies a constant volume or air, regulates the feed, and is an emergency supply if the compressor fails. Regulator – one way valve delivering a low pressure air supply on demand


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