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The Crucible ACT I Vocabulary

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1 The Crucible ACT I Vocabulary
Mrs. Blake English III and English III Honors

2 persecute V. cause to suffer Syn.-harass, abuse, torture
Ant.-encourage, endorse

3 province N. the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation N. a sphere or field of activity or authority, as of a person. Syn.- region, area, city

4 creed n. any system of principles or beliefs
Syn.- doctrine, dogma, faith Ant.- disbelief, doubt, skepticism

5 somber Adj. grave or even gloomy in character
Ant- cheerful, joyful Syn.- serious, dull

6 predilection N. a strong liking Favored Syn.- preference, bias
Ant.- hate, disinterest

7 maraud V. raid and rove in search of booty, treasure, loot, or gold
Syn.- hijacker, raider, robber

8 heathen N. a person who does not acknowledge your god
Syn.- pagan, ungodly, disbeliever Ant.- religious, moral

9 conjure v. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic Syn- enchant, charm, memorize, invoke, bid, call Ant.- dismiss, terminate,discharge

10 faction n. a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue Syn.- gang, party, group Ant.- individual, singular

11 abomination N. an action that is vicious or vile; an action that arouses disgust or abhorrence Syn.- scandal, atrocity, horror, hatred, evil Ant.-pleasant, marvelous, estimable

12 deference N. courteous regard for people's feelings
Syn.- respect, admiration, esteem An.- insolence, impudence, disregard

13 deference

14 partisan N. fervent and even militant proponent of something
Syn- biased, following, prejudiced Ant.- impartial, neutral, detached

15 calumny Adj. a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions Syn.- slander, defamation, denigration Ant.- truth, certainty, fact

16 pretense Adj. the act of giving a false appearance
Syn.- trick, charade, fabrication, façade, pretext Ant.- genuine, reality, truth

17 exude v. make apparent by one's mood or behavior
Syn.- radiate, project, display Ant.-absorb, engage, engross


19 abide V. put up with something or somebody unpleasant
Syn.-accept, stand, bear, tolerate, endure Ant.- forbid, prevent, inhibit

20 enrapture V. hold spellbound Syn.- captivate, mesmerize, enthrall
Ant.- bore, windbag,

21 calculated v. carefully thought out in advance
Syn.- intended, premeditated, deliberate Ant.- spontaneous, unstructured, impulsive, extemporaneous

22 defer V. yield to another's wish or opinion
Syn.- submit, comply, concede Ant.- deny, refuse, reject

23 BASE Base (ADJ)- having low moral standards
Syn.- corrupt, vile, dishonorable Ant.- noble, principled, ethical, righteous

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