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Project Name · Team Name · Country · School (if applicable) · Mentor (if applicable)

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1 Project Name · Team Name · Country · School (if applicable) · Mentor (if applicable)

2 Story of a Reunion Dinner Studying abroad Friend 1: Friend 4: On job but planning immigration Jobless, ashamed of showing up Friend 2: Friend 3: Stuck in poor law & order situation Friend 5: Over worked at job Undergraduate Classmates

3 Personal Experience of Unemployment Situation On 25 th January 2013, five classmates planned a reunion dinner Only two could make it to the venue despite being in same city Karachi Their absence had a link with unemployment: – Jobless friend 2 was ashamed of showing up – Insecure feeling of friend 3 due to political instability abstained him – Long job hours of friend 5 prevented him from reunion Even those who managed to meet were effected by unemployment: – Irrelevant job market forced friend 1 to go abroad for higher studies – Dissatisfied with situation friend 4 is seeking immigration elsewhere

4 Youth Unemployment in Pakistan Poor literacy level leaves half youth population as unskilled worker or casual hawker General graduates have few options of employment due to limited economic diversity Engineering and business graduates face saturation in job market due to low industrial growth Brain drain of top talent due to poor economic conditions Political instability hampering investment and increasing unemployment which is further creating law & order issues 63% population under 25 years 53% youth literacy rate 53% youth literacy rate 21% youth Unemployment Unemployment

5 The Solution - NPGI Conceptual Map of “Our solution ABC” leading to self employment for youth Conceptual Map of “Our solution ABC” leading to self employment for youth Ideas Product / Service Self Employed Business Business Students Engineering Students Business Graduates Engineering Graduates Collaboration Business Partners

6 NPGI – Background and Business Students -Make business plans for completing degree requirements - Identify market opportunities for new products or novel solutions - Handle organizational affairs and management Business Students -Make business plans for completing degree requirements - Identify market opportunities for new products or novel solutions - Handle organizational affairs and management Engineering Students - Make prototypes for degree requirements - Design & build new products or novel solutions - Find new application of technologies - Handle production and operation activities Engineering Students - Make prototypes for degree requirements - Design & build new products or novel solutions - Find new application of technologies - Handle production and operation activities

7 NPGI - Details Engineering project and Business Plan development for an idea through cross discipline collaboration Integration of two mandatory academic efforts to prepare and launch working business Generating self employment for graduating youth Employment of youth in support functions of resulting business Initiate voluntary integration by providing common platform to interested students Students find and agree to working on an idea Facilitate conversion into working business through involvement of experts

8 NPGI – Platform Collaboration over internet and physically A platform will host ideas, interested groups, industry professionals Internet website will be launched inviting and indexing ideas for development Students can initiate requests to work on particular ideas based on their interests, geographic proximity and project requirements

9 NPGI – Deployment Plan In 1 month - during pilot phase, few ideas will be posted for adoption by interested students based in educational institutes of Karachi city of Pakistan After 3 months - in next phase the platform will enable collaboration opportunities in other cities of Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Islamabad After 6 months - platform framework will be available for implementation in any other part of the world where both business and engineering students are present After 1 year – Based on successful outcomes, subsequently encourage adoption by relevant departments of educational institutes for deeper engagement of youth.

10 NPGI – Planned Outcomes The team member will spend a maximum of 10 hours per week for one month to launch pilot phase, totaling 40 hours. Same 40 hours will be required for deployment of platform to other cities As a practical consideration, the success rate of launching and sustaining a business is considered to be 50% Each successfully launched business is projected to employ 20 young people at initial stage 25 successful business will employ total of 500 unemployed youth in first year In subsequent years the initiative is planned to facilitate 100 groups of students hence generating 50 new businesses employing 1000 youth at initial stage, theoretically.

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