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Illegal Immigration By: Susan Leon. Should immigration laws be stricter?

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1 Illegal Immigration By: Susan Leon

2 Should immigration laws be stricter?

3 Introduction Illegal Immigration is when people live in a country without government permission. Illegal immigration goes back a long ways, it has been around for several decades. In 1942-64 the U.S.-Mexico Bracero Program is an arrangement that brought more that 2 million Mexican temporary workers to work in the United States (Mize XXII). In 1954 “Operation Wetback begins a mass repatriation campaign of undocumented workers to Mexico” (Mize XXII). It first became an issue before 1960 when Congress established immigration quotas but it didn’t become a big issue until the1980s-1990s, which is when illegal immigration increases, and it became a major public issue (Masci Latinos’ Future). Illegal Immigration is when people live in a country without government permission. Illegal immigration goes back a long ways, it has been around for several decades. In 1942-64 the U.S.-Mexico Bracero Program is an arrangement that brought more that 2 million Mexican temporary workers to work in the United States (Mize XXII). In 1954 “Operation Wetback begins a mass repatriation campaign of undocumented workers to Mexico” (Mize XXII). It first became an issue before 1960 when Congress established immigration quotas but it didn’t become a big issue until the1980s-1990s, which is when illegal immigration increases, and it became a major public issue (Masci Latinos’ Future).

4 Problems that are directly related to this includes: 1.human trafficking 1.human trafficking 2. drug smuggling 2. drug smuggling 3. border expenses 3. border expenses

5 History During 1993 border operations started happening in El Paso, Texas (Mize XXII). During 1993 border operations started happening in El Paso, Texas (Mize XXII). 2000-Present illegal immigration increased, illegal immigration challenged in court (Masci Latinos’ Future). 2000-Present illegal immigration increased, illegal immigration challenged in court (Masci Latinos’ Future). When 9/11 happened in 2001 they passed the USA Patriot Act (exclude suspected terrorists). When 9/11 happened in 2001 they passed the USA Patriot Act (exclude suspected terrorists).

6 Cont. History 2012 Obama passed the DREAM Act. 2012 Obama passed the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act “allows legal status for unlawful aliens who entered the U.S. as minors approved by the House of Representatives” (Masci Latinos’ Future). The DREAM Act “allows legal status for unlawful aliens who entered the U.S. as minors approved by the House of Representatives” (Masci Latinos’ Future).

7 Human Trafficking Human Trafficking can have a tremendous effect on an individual, because it is taking advantage of someone, and basically stripping his or her rights. Human Trafficking can have a tremendous effect on an individual, because it is taking advantage of someone, and basically stripping his or her rights.

8 Drug Smuggling Drug smuggling can have an everlasting effect on an individual and also on one’s family, because you are putting yourself and your family in danger by delivering drugs to random people for money, and you never know when someone might turn on you and threaten you or your family. Drug smuggling can have an everlasting effect on an individual and also on one’s family, because you are putting yourself and your family in danger by delivering drugs to random people for money, and you never know when someone might turn on you and threaten you or your family.

9 Border Expenses The government is spending a lot of money and obviously it hasn’t made much of a difference, because illegal immigration is still such a big issue today even in 2012. The government is spending a lot of money and obviously it hasn’t made much of a difference, because illegal immigration is still such a big issue today even in 2012.

10 Why it should be stricter? People for and against illegal immigration each has their own specific ideas why this topic is so important. Whether you are for or against it there are always boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed concerning this topic. There are various reasons why illegal immigration has a bad impact on the United States. Illegal immigration continues to be a worldwide dilemma. People for and against illegal immigration each has their own specific ideas why this topic is so important. Whether you are for or against it there are always boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed concerning this topic. There are various reasons why illegal immigration has a bad impact on the United States. Illegal immigration continues to be a worldwide dilemma.

11 In Conclusion…. For these reasons illegal immigration still occurs throughout the world whether you are Caucasian, Latino, African American, etc. Therefore it should be stricter. For these reasons illegal immigration still occurs throughout the world whether you are Caucasian, Latino, African American, etc. Therefore it should be stricter. Some of the specific causes of controversy that are often talked about are human trafficking, drug smuggling, and border expenses. Some of the specific causes of controversy that are often talked about are human trafficking, drug smuggling, and border expenses. All of these topics have long lasting effects on individuals in a certain way that can cause damage for the rest of their life. All of these topics have long lasting effects on individuals in a certain way that can cause damage for the rest of their life.

12 Works Cited Masci, David. "When will they wield greater political clout?" Latinos' Future 13.36 (2003): n. pag. CQ Researcher. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. Masci, David. "When will they wield greater political clout?" Latinos' Future 13.36 (2003): n. pag. CQ Researcher. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. Masci, David. "Are the world's nations doing enough to stamp it out?." Human Trafficking and Slavery 14.12 (2004): n. pag. CQ Researcher. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. Masci, David. "Are the world's nations doing enough to stamp it out?." Human Trafficking and Slavery 14.12 (2004): n. pag. CQ Researcher. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. Mize, Ronald L., and Alicia C.S. Swords. Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA. Toronto : University of Toronto, 2011. Print. Mize, Ronald L., and Alicia C.S. Swords. Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA. Toronto : University of Toronto, 2011. Print. "Political Cartoons: Obama, Profiling & Arizona." Solid Principles. N.p., 29 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2012.. "Political Cartoons: Obama, Profiling & Arizona." Solid Principles. N.p., 29 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2012..

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