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Yrjö Viisanen, Jussi Paatero, Tuomas Laurila, Taneil Uttal

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1 Atmospheric observatories at Pallas-Sodankylä and Tiksi as examples of the IASOA project
Yrjö Viisanen, Jussi Paatero, Tuomas Laurila, Taneil Uttal*, Heikki Lihavainen, and Esko Kyrö Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland * NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, United States

2 Projections of Future Changes in Climate
Projected warming in 21st century expected to be greatest over land and at most high northern latitudes and least over the Southern Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic Ocean Source: IPCC 2007,

3 Changes in sea ice cover –
Change in planetary albedo Melting Greenland ice sheet – Rises in sea level Melting permafrost – Release of sequestered greenhouse gases

4 International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA)
In early EOIs were submitted to the IPY committee. The IASOA EOI, proposed by NOAA, was chosen to lead the coordination of 19 related Atmospheric EOIs into an IPY Activity. The IASOA Activity received IPY endorsement and is Activity About 6 additional EOIs have ‘joined’ this activity since.

5 Elements of IASOA Develop intensive Arctic atmospheric/interdisciplinary observatories with International partnerships Enhance atmospheric networks (e.g. BSRN, GAW, CRN, Aeronet, UVnet, MPLNet) Coordinate ongoing monitoring activities with field campaigns Integrate with AON, GEWEX, SEARCH, WCRP IASOA Partner Countries: Canada, Finland, Norway, Russia, Denmark, China, Germany, Japan, Sweden, United States, Italy Partner Countries

6 Circumpolar Atmospheric Observatories

7 Rational for Intensive Atmospheric Observatories
To understand the Arctic atmosphere it is necessary to have detailed measurements of clouds, aerosols, radiation and surface fluxes. Clouds in the Arctic have been shown in a number of studies to have a major influence on surface radiation budgets and resulting surface temperatures, ice ablation/melt rates, and the onset of the annual snow melt season. Aerosols contribute to balances in the Arctic atmosphere by direct forcing and also by indirect cloud-aerosol effects. The emphasis is on taking measurements that contribute to understanding WHY climate is changing and not just HOW climate is changing. There is a special emphasis on untangling natural and anthropogenic influences, through process studies, satellite validation and model support.


9 Pallas-Sodankylä GAW Station:
- 150 km north of the Arctic Circle - GAW global station since 1994

10 Arctic Research Centre of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI-ARC) at Sodankylä

11 The first meteorological observations at Sodankylä were made during the First International Polar Year in Regular aerological observations at the FMI-ARC have been conducted already over 60 years constituting one of the longest upper atmosphere meteorological observation series north of the Arctic circle. Monitoring station at Sodankylä during the First International Polar Year in

12 Measurements at Sodankylä include
Upper-air weather, ozone, aerosol and radioactivity soundings spectral UV radiation airborne radioactivity climatological and other meteorological parameters total ozone column deposition of acidifying compounds, e.g. sulphate aerosol optical depth Carbon dioxide flux between a pine forest and the atmosphere The FMI's northernmost weather radar is situated on the top of Luosto fell 25 km south of the FMI-ARC. The range of the radar covers most of the northern Finland.

13 Total ozone in March at Sodankylä
30 % decrease 1995- levelling out Montreal protocol or temporary stratospheric phenomenom? 60-luvun alku: USA ja NL ydinkokeet 60-luvun loppu: Ranskan kokeet Saharassa ja Kiinan Lop Norissa joulukuu 66: vuoto maanalaisesta ydinkokeesta Semipalatinskista Aaltoliike 60- ja 70-luvuilla: maksimit keväällä, kun stratosfääristä tulee fissiotuotteita alas 70-luku: Kiinan kokeet, viimeinen koe lokakuussa 80, tavaraa stratosfääristä alas keväällä 81 Tshernobyl 86: Lapissa suhteellisen pienet pitoisuudet Etelä-Suomeen verrattuna 1982 lähtien Tshernobyl poislukien lähes yksinomaan luonnollista aktiivisuutta (etenkin lyijy-210, jota syntyy ilmakehässä sinne maaperästä tihkuneesta radonista);aaltoliike: maksimit talvella, kun alhainen sekoittumiskorkeus ja pitkä aerosolien viipymäaika ilmakehässä 60-luvun alusta pitoisuudet pudonneet yhteen tuhannesosaan Data: BUV, TOMS, GOME and Brewer

14 Pallas site Main station: Sammaltunturi (560 m asl, 67o58’N, 24o07’E)
- in the northern border of the boreal forest zone - on the top of a hill some 100 m above the tree line

15 The measurements at Sammaltunturi include
reactive gases (ozone, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) greenhouse gas concentrations (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and sulphur hexafluoride) aerosol particle number concentration and size distribution PM10 particle mass concentration aerosol scattering coefficient black carbon volatile organic compounds (ethane, propane etc.) stable isotopes radon-222 meteorological parameters

16 CO2 concentration in the air at Sammaltunturi, Pallas

17 Kenttärova spruce forest station 18 m high tower Measurement of CO2, heat and water vapour flux between the atmosphere and the spruce forest micrometeorological eddy covariance and accumulation chamber methods

18 Daily CO2 balances at the spruce forest site in 2003

19 Lompolojänkkä sedge fen station
CH4 and CO2 fluxes CH4 concentrations

20 Methane flux measurement at Lompolojänkkä

21 Matorova The measurements include
airborne and deposited inorganic main components (sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, sodium, calcium, etc.) Airborne and deposited heavy metals (lead, cadmium, etc) Airborne and deposited mercury Airborne and deposited POPs meteorological parameters

22 Lead and Cadmium Deposition at Matorova, Pallas 1996-2005

23 Laukukero automatic weather station, 755 m a.s.l.
wind, temperature and humidity observations along the hill slope

24 Tiksi Tiksi: Joint project for atmospheric monitoring and research in Tiksi, Siberia by The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The Russian Hydrometeorological Institute (Roshydromet) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Pallas-Sodankylä

25 Tiksi July 2005: Old meteorological observatory
71 deg 35’ 10.4” N 128 deg 55’ 0.8” E

26 National Science Foundation, USA, rebuilt Tiksi observatory in 2006

27 Building erection

28 Interiors

29 Technical room. Water preparation system
Hall Cold storage Enforced roof zone

30 Candidate site for a clean air facility east of Roshydromet observatory
Plans for construction in 2007:

31 Sketch of the clean air facility at Tiksi

32 Greenhouse gas, aerosol and air pollutant studies by the Finnish Meteorological Institute at the Tiksi clean air facility - to support IPY/IASOA, ACIA and AMAP programmes and to help Russians to start atmospheric composition monitoring: CO2 and CH4 concentrations and their trends CO2 and CH4 balances of a typical tundra landscape Aerosol physics including cloud formation Measurements of airborne mercury, lead, cadmium, and PAH compounds

33 Thank You for Your Attention!

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