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 Brief introduction of GROW  Who we are, what we do  Sustainability plan and issues  Our constituents  Marketing plan  Implementation of sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: " Brief introduction of GROW  Who we are, what we do  Sustainability plan and issues  Our constituents  Marketing plan  Implementation of sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1  Brief introduction of GROW  Who we are, what we do  Sustainability plan and issues  Our constituents  Marketing plan  Implementation of sustainability plan  Experience with constituents  Summary of our sustainability efforts to date Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics OUTLINE

2 Phase I: Geotechnical, Rock, and Water Resources Digital Library National Civil Engineering Resources Library Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics

3 WHAT IS CIVIL ENGINEERING? The water that you drink The roads that you drive A better world by creative,economical design and construction The bridges that you cross The parks where you play

4 TYPICAL CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECTS Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO Three Gorges Dam, Yangtze River, China Petronas Towers Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Building new structures while keeping existing (transportation) systems in use – Light (mono) rail system in Seattle, Washington

5 CIVIL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering Structural Engineering Transportation Engineering Construction & Management Hydropower Engineering

6 WHO ARE INVOLVED? Muniram Budhu, Project Director - Professor, Department of Civil Engineering John Kemeny, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Mining and Geological Engineering William Rasmussen, Assoc, Professor, Dept. of Agric. & Biosystems Engineering Maliaca Oxnam, Engineering Librarian, University of Arizona Library Paul Bracke, Systems Librarian, University of Arizona Library Jeremy Frumkin, Systems Librarian, University of Arizona Library Wayne Brent, Instructional Applications Manager, CCIT Janice Lodato, Project Manager, Department of Civil Engineering Leo Przybylski, Systems Developer, Department of Civil Engineering Elena Berman, Assessment Specialist, Assessment & Enrollment Research Anita Coleman, Asst. Professor, School of Inf. Resources & Library Science

7 PARTNERSHIP Macromedia John Wiley & Sons Geo-Institute (ASCE) American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) Sustainability of Semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas (SAHRA) Corbett Elementary School Catalina High School

8  DELIVERY – Server, System administration, server based software – UA Learning Objects Depository  Maintain collection (content) and user services – main sustainability thrust  Grow collection and improve user services - Goal Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics SUSTAINABILITY PLAN

9 Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics BUSINESS AND MARKET PLAN

10  Develop customer base – registered users, site visitations  Create awareness of GROW – create condition to generate revenue for sustainability Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics SHORT TERM MARKET OBJECTIVES

11  Create revenue to sustain GROW  Add new collections  Become the no. 1 site for quality information in CE Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics LONG TERM MARKET OBJECTIVES

12  Customer base – 31000 visitations/month  Create awareness  publications( journals, conferences, magazines, news bulletin, TV )  Initiated discussions with professional organizations, alumni (consultants, contractors, etc.) Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics IMPLEMENTATION

13  Obtaining financial contribution – budgetary constraints Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics CHALLENGES

14  Business & Marketing Plan  Sustainability - difficult, time- consuming  Major problem - getting financial contribution Muniram Budhu Professor, Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics SUMMARY

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