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Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Honors World History Mr. Green.

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1 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Honors World History Mr. Green

2 The students will summarize conflict in China by describing the events that led to the Chinese Communist Revolution Announcement: Warm-up: 1. Describe your knowledge of the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Cite any information you have concerning these 2 events.

3 The Korean War Japan controlled Korea until 1945 U.S. and U.S.S.R. agreed Korea should be divided at the 38 th parallel Elections never happened Communism spread in the North Anti-communist government grew in the South North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950 U.S. President Truman sent U.S. troops to help South Korea expel the North 3 years of fighting resulted in no gain 38 th parallel remained the border, to this day

4 France controlled Vietnam (Indochina) up to WWII Japan took over Vietnam during WWII France gained back Vietnam after WWII Ho Chi Minh was the communist rebel force fighting for Vietnamese independence The Vietminh, led by Ho Chi Minh beat the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 U.S. began to support S. Vietnam and by 1965, the U.S. began fighting the North A stalemate resulted and the U.S. public was against the war by the late 60’s and early 70’s The U.S. withdrew in 1973 and 2 years later the South fell to communism

5 Great Leap Forward Mao collectivized the farms to form communes Husbands and wives worked together child care available Wanted a classless society “Hard work for a few years, happiness for a thousand” Turned into a disaster-food production declined 15 million died Cultural Revolution Permanent revolution Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Little Red Book Red Guards eliminate the 4 olds ideas, culture, customs, habits

6 You will read the section and construct an outline during class. I will start and you will contribute, once you have read the section.

7 Arab states demanded return of territories Anwar el-Sadat took over Egypt in 1973 Egypt/Syria attacked Israel-Yom Kippur War Israel surprised but finished strong OPEC cut production and gas prices increased U.S. President Carter wanted peace in the region Camp David Accords signed in March 1979 between Israel and Egypt

8 1. Explain how the migration of Jews to Israel has impacted the relationship between Arab states and Israel. 2. Why has it proven so difficult to resolve conflict in the Middle East? Explain. 3. Create a timeline of events in Israel that lead to the Yom Kippur War. Be sure to include the Holocaust and the formation of Israel.

9 Read Chapter 23.2 and prepare for a reading check on Monday

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