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Computer Graphics and the Game Industry Speaker: Ted Bisson.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Graphics and the Game Industry Speaker: Ted Bisson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Graphics and the Game Industry Speaker: Ted Bisson

2 Computer Graphics and Games For today: Who am I? A brief introduction to OpenGL The Game Industry

3 Who am I? Ted Bisson USF class of 1998, Mathematics and Computer Science Senior Programmer, Blizzard Entertainment Diablo II, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

4 OpenGL What is OpenGL?

5 OpenGL Application OpenGL 3D Hardware

6 OpenGL OpenGL vs. DirectX DirectX runs on Windows platforms OpenGL is relatively universal DirectX is better optimized for Windows platforms But it’s ok, they are more the same than different!

7 OpenGL: 3D Engine Basics Viewports Matrices Vertex Lists Triangle Lists Lights Textures

8 The Demo Program

9 Structure of the Demo System WinMain, Draw, Utility, COpenGL Primitives CVector, CMatrix, CColor, CFile, CLine, CPath Containers CLineList, CVertexList, CTriangleList Draw Objects CDisc, CModel

10 Structure of the Demo WinMain // Initialization Create a window (); Initialize OpenGL (); // Message loop while (not done) { if (there is a message) { Pass to appropriate message handler. } else { DrawProcess (); }

11 Structure of the Demo DrawProcess // Render the current scene. sRenderScene (); // Synchronize to constant frame rate. if (time to update scene) sUpdateScene ();

12 Structure of the Demo sRenderScene // Begin processing the scene, this includes // clearing the memory buffer. // Submit objects to be rendered. // End scene processing. // Present the rendered scene.

13 Structure of the Demo Submitting objects to the API // Specify modes, and begin submitting data. glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT, GL_FILL); glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES); // For each object, submit vertex data. glColor3f (red, green, blue) glNormal3f (normal_x, normal_y, normal_z); glVertex3f (position_x, position_y, position_z); // Indicate the end of this object. glEnd ();

14 OpenGL Questions about OpenGL?

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