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Joints & Ligaments of the Foot

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1 Joints & Ligaments of the Foot
1- The talo-calcanean (subtalar) joint Type: Synovial , plane Articular surfaces: Body of talus (inferior surface) and calcaneus (superior surf.) Capsule: Attached to the Margins of the articular surfaces.

2 Ligaments: Talocalcaneal ligaments: Medial, lat. , post
Ligaments: Talocalcaneal ligaments: Medial, lat., post., and interosseous. Movements: 1.Inversion (like supination) = Turing the sole medially + slight planter flexion. It is done by Tibialis anterior and posterior. 2. Eversion (like pronation) = Turning the sole laterally + slight dorsiflexion. It is done by Peroneus longus, brevius, and tertius.

3 2-The talo-calcaneo-navicular Joint
Type: Synovial, Ball and Socket Articular surfaces: Head of talus (ball), calcaneus, and navicular.(socket). The sockets move and not the ball.

4 Ligaments: 1- Spring (planter calcaneo-navicular) ligament.
2- Deltoid ligament. - The head of talus rests on the spring ligament. If this ligament becomes weak, the head of talus sinks in the space between the sustentaculum tali and the navicular ----► Flat foot. - The spring ligament is important for the formation of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot.

5 3. medial limb of bifurcate
ligament. Movements: Gliding, inversion and eversion.

6 3-The calcaneo-cuboid joint
Type: Synovial, plane Articular surfaces: Ant. end of calcaneus and post. surface of cuboid.

7 Ligaments: 1. The bifurcate lig.
which is V- shaped, between calcaneus and navicular (medial limb) and calcaneus and cuboid (lateral limb) on the dorsal surface. 2. The short planter ligament: Between the planter surface of the calcaneum and cuboid. 3. The long planter ligament: of the calcaneus and the bases of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals. Movements: Inversion and Eversion. Joints 2 and 3 are called the mid- tarsal joints. During inversion and eversion the talus is fixed while the other bones swing around it.



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