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Jeopardy Various Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Various Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Various Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from H1 What does a carrdiologist study?

4 $100 Answer from H1 The heart

5 $200 Question from H1 Myo- means what?

6 $200 Answer from H1 muscle

7 $300 Question from H1 What layer of skin is the epidermis?

8 $300 Answer from H1 Outer layer

9 $400 Question from H1 Where is the ocular nerve located?

10 $400 Answer from H1 Near the eye

11 $500 Question from H1 What does an anti- inflammatory medicine do?

12 $500 Answer from H1 Counters or stops inflammation

13 $100 Question from H2 What is an exoskeleton?

14 $100 Answer from H2 Bones on the outside of the body

15 $200 Question from H2 An attack on the brain is what?

16 $200 Answer from H2 Stroke

17 $300 Question from H2 The study of the human body is?

18 $300 Answer from H2 Anatomy

19 $400 Question from H2 A hypodermic needle sends medicine where?

20 $400 Answer from H2 Under or below the skin

21 $500 Question from H2 What does a pathologist study?

22 $500 Answer from H2 Diseases

23 $100 Question from H3 What is an endoskeleton?

24 $100 Answer from H3 Having bones inside the body

25 $200 Question from H3 A disease characterized by abnormal cell growth causing tumors is?

26 $200 Answer from H3 Cancer

27 $300 Question from H3 A suffix that denotes inflammation of an area is ?

28 $300 Answer from H3 -itis

29 $400 Question from H3 Gastrointestinal issues involve what body part?

30 $400 Answer from H3 Stomach

31 $500 Question from H3 Hyperthermia means the body is ______?

32 $500 Answer from H3 Too hot, overheating

33 $100 Question from H4 Name a body part that is on the medial side of the body?

34 $100 Answer from H4 Belly button

35 $200 Question from H4 The anterior cruciate ligament is where on the knee.

36 $200 Answer from H4 Top

37 $300 Question from H4 Give an example of a pathogen?

38 $300 Answer from H4 Bacteria, virus

39 $400 Question from H4 What does ecto mean?

40 $400 Answer from H4 Outer, external

41 $500 Question from H4 Plato and Aristotle are both famous?

42 $500 Answer from H4 Greeks

43 $100 Question from H5 This means away from midline or on the outside.

44 $100 Answer from H5 Lateral

45 $200 Question from H5 What does a cardiologist study?

46 $200 Answer from H5 The Heart

47 $300 Question from H5 According to the Pythagorean Theorem a triangle with sides of 3 and 4 would have a hypotenuse of what?

48 $300 Answer from H5 5

49 $400 Question from H5 What is hypothermia?

50 $400 Answer from H5 When the body gets excessively cold.

51 $500 Question from H5 What is myocardium?

52 $500 Answer from H5 Muscles of the heart

53 Final Jeopardy Take three minutes and write a paragraph using as many medical prefixes and terms as possible.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Various Answers

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