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"The Last Hour" 2:18 This is the last era of this present age, followed by the Kingdom of God.

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Presentation on theme: ""The Last Hour" 2:18 This is the last era of this present age, followed by the Kingdom of God."— Presentation transcript:

1 "The Last Hour" 2:18 This is the last era of this present age, followed by the Kingdom of God.

2 "Antichrist" 2:18 Not the "man of sin" (2 Thess. 2:3-4;; Rev. 13:5-8) The False Prophet (Rev. 13:11-17; 16:13; 19:20; 20:10)

3 "Many antichrists" 2:18 This group is the same as the "many false prophets" in 4:1-7 So, THE Antichrist probably THE False Prophet.

4 "They went out from us" 2:19 Acts 15:1, 24 They broke from the Apostles. __________________________________ May or may not have been saved, but definitely not part of the Apostolic circle.

5 "They went out from us" 2:19 They break from Apostolic (biblical) teaching. __________________________________________ We are not to listen to those who break from the authority of the Word.

6 "you know all things" 2:20 Not "you know everything" ____________________________ You have an adequate knowledge of what is true. John 14:26; 16:13

7 "you know all things" 2:20 The Apostles had a body of truth they needed to know and they passed it on to us in the Word. _______________________________________ THIS explains our approach to interpretation!

8 "you know all things" 2:20 The goal of every student of the Bible should be to determine what the text of Scripture says!

9 "you know all things" 2:20 Context passage - immediate and larger Original language Historical/cultural setting Contributions of other books

10 How? Read it, read it again, and when you're done, read it again! ___________________________ Meditate = Think! ____________________________ Pray!

11 "you know all things" 2:20 Goal = not what we think, what we believe. ____________________ Our goal is to determine what Scripture says. ____________________ That should be what we believe!

12 "you know all things" 2:20 We have all we need to combat teaching that would ruin our growth!

13 "anointing" 2:20 We are anointed, just as was Jesus. Lk. 4:18; Acts 4:27; 10:38

14 "the truth" 2:21 The assurance that we know the truth is key to opposing false teaching.

15 "No lie is of the truth" 2:21 False teaching should be treated as dangerous, not just another opinion or an "interesting thought".

16 "the Christ" 2:22 If He is not, we do not have eternal life! 1 John 5:1 John 11:25-27

17 "the Christ" 2:22 If we do not have eternal life, we cannot have fellowship with God.

18 "have the Father" 2:23 Can mean "to possess" ____________________________ Can also mean, "to have at hand, to have at one's disposal" John 4:11; 5:7; 1 John 2:1

19 "have the Father" 2:23 To not "have the Father" seems to mean something like "to not have His fellowship" or "blessing" _____________________________ To operate without "any divine involvement or cooperation" (Hodges)

20 2 John 9 - "does not abide" "transgress" = "to turn aside, to go beyond" the truth rather than to remain in it. _______________________ He leaves God behind. He has "gone too far".

21 "you also will abide" 2:24 If we remain in correct teaching, we won't "leave God behind", but will stay close to Him.

22 "this is the promise" 2:25 John 3:16; 5:24; 6:47 Jesus is the Christ. He does not lie. That is enough. We have eternal life. We can enjoy fellowship with God.

23 "those who are trying to deceive you" 2:26 The last statement was not a tangent. ____________________________ False teachers teach a different kind of salvation and that matters! ___________________________ That takes away assurance and growth.

24 "You've got what it takes!" 2:26 You are capable. You have the truth. Hold fast! Enjoy the abiding life!

25 "the same anointing" 2:26 A "new idea" needs to be evaluated by the Word.

26 "teaches" 2:26 The congregation needed to pay attention to these mature teachers to stay close to God and enjoy the abiding life.

27 "teaches" 2:26 Younger believers need teachers (Heb. 5:13) Of course, all of us can benefit from the ministry of other teachers who preach the word and tap into the power of the Spirit.

28 "teaches" 2:26 The teaching of God's word keeps us close to God. To the degree that we depart from that teaching, our lives suffer.

29 It is critical that we know God's word as God intended it!

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