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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WIGOS and WIS WMO M. Berechree (WIGOS) D. Thomas (WIS)

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Presentation on theme: "World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WIGOS and WIS WMO M. Berechree (WIGOS) D. Thomas (WIS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WIGOS and WIS WMO M. Berechree (WIGOS) D. Thomas (WIS)

2 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO2 WIGOS and WIS WIGOS: WMO Integrated Global Observing System; WIS: WMO Information System

3 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO3 WMO Strategic Planning “Enhanced capabilities of Members to access, develop, implement and use integrated and interoperable surface-based and space-based systems for weather, climate and hydrological observations, as well as related environmental observations, based on world standards set by WMO and partner organizations” (ER4); The success of WIGOS and WIS will have a major impact on all WMO Strategic Thrusts.

4 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO4 Challenge for the future WMO Members’ requirement: More extensive and advanced observations and information to improve both service quality and service delivery. WIGOS and WIS: Coordinated, comprehensive, and sustainable systems that meet the requirements of WMO Members and partner organizations.

5 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO5 Evolving User requirements WIGOS and WIS will: Enable NMHSs to meet expanding national mandates of achieving higher national visibility with other environment related agencies. WMO Members will be able to better respond to natural hazards, improve weather, water, climate and related environmental monitoring, and adapt to climate change and human-induced environmental impacts.

6 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO6 WIGOS will provide timely, quality-assured, quality- controlled and well-documented long-term observations; Implementation of Quality Management procedures will be required to enable enhanced utilization of both existing and emerging observational capabilities.

7 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO7 WIGOS supported by WIS An integrated global observing system (WIGOS), supported by an interoperable information system (WIS) - essential to realizing the socio-economic benefits to be derived from a wide range of weather, climate, water and related environmental products and services.

8 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO8 WIS for WIGOS WIGOS is crucially dependant upon effective WIS support and services: collection & sharing of observational data and products, DAR services, Standards for data management.

9 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO9 WIGOS together with WIS Enable WMO Members to meet expanding national mandates which are calling for increasing coordination and integration to help them better respond to natural hazards, improve weather, water, climate and related environmental monitoring, and adapt to climate change and other human-induced environmental impacts; Enhance operational components of WMO Programmes, especially in Developing and Least Developed Countries and ensure essential WMO support for the observational and information elements of the future GFCS; Provide a basis for sound decision making and enhance delivery of services to society in all WMO applications areas.

10 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO10 WIGOS and WIS The combination of both efforts would allow for an integrated WMO end-to-end system designed to improve Members’ capability to effectively provide a wide range of high quality services and to better respond to all WMO Programmes requirements. The end result will be better prediction and services that provide the required information for the public and for policy and decision makers.

11 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO11 What is WIS A set of –Networks including private and public internet Sat and Radio Broadcast & two way –Information mgt practices –Agreed set if Standards Allows WMO to collect, distribute data and products Global analyses & forecasts several times daily Distributes of the order of 4 GB daily on private network, and ½ TB via internet and satellite DAR open to public and specialist users

12 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO12 Historically; a Closed System Designed to facilitate the collection and sharing of observations and products for World Weather Watch, WIS started out as a private network known as the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) Other programmes started to use internet and establish own information systems No electronic Discovery Access and Retrieval (DAR) WIS brought these together through having a central catalogue and standard metadata. (See next slide) WIS opened up the GTS and other WMO systems to partners and other users.

13 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO13 Information request to custodian Search Results User searches for metadata then retrieves information from data custodian GISC – DAR service NC/DCPC information access service Centre publishes metadata to GISC DAR catalogue Security/authentication/authorization and even charging is managed by each service provider Retrieve information Search Request marine warnings in area bounded by 40W to 10W and 45N to 70N

14 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO14 Web address -

15 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO15

16 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO16

17 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO17

18 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO18

19 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO19 618 SACN40 CWAO 111400 METAR CYWH 111400Z 00000KT 15SM FEW160 FEW240 12/09 A2999 RMK AC1CI0 SLP157= CYWH – Victor Harbour, BC

20 Dr I. Zahumensky, WIGOS PO20 You can benefit from WIS You can –Subscribe to relevant data and products –Search for and retrieve new information We can help you better if we –understand your business and decision processes –Know what type of decision you need to make so we can point you to the right type of input –What quality and time frame of information at particular points. eg: Climate outlook for strategic planning Seasonal outlook for operational placement Current forecasts and observations for deployment and response. Greater long term benefits are possible if you incorporate the same minimal standards. –Can interface with search ISO23950 –Can understand and work with ISO19115 metadata –Develop automated machine to machine decision support systems

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