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CIWMB Education Program, historical overview  1990-91: Our mission PRC 42603 Stakeholder input—roundtables  1992-93: Partnerships and Products Curriculum.

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2 CIWMB Education Program, historical overview  1990-91: Our mission PRC 42603 Stakeholder input—roundtables  1992-93: Partnerships and Products Curriculum Compendium for IWM Closing the Loop, grades K-12 CA Environmental Education Interagency Network

3 Historical Overview  1994-97: Marketing Education Closing the Loop (CTL) Sampler CTL translated into Spanish “Kids Talk’in Trash Reusable School News

4 Historical Overview  Train the Trainer Local government School venues Conferences Education Associations—K-12 Alliance, CREEC Network

5 Historical Overview  1998-2001: Expansion and Refinement Earth Resources: A Case Study, Oil ER Sampler Project Learning Tree: Solid Waste Module Closing the Loop, 2000 Edition Revised Curriculum Compendium “Vermi the Worm” Environment Matters Correlations to New Education Content Standards

6 Historical Overview  Branching Out and Connecting CA Regional Environmental Education Community Network (CREEC) CDE Environmental Education Advisory Comm. Golden State Environmental Education Consortium Keep California Beautiful Superintendent’s Task Force for Environmental Ed.

7 Historical Overview  Recognition and Awards Curriculum Compendium: National Association for Professional Environmental Communicators “Vermi”: National Science Teachers Association recognition CIWMB Education Program: Waste Age and US/EPA recognition Environmentality: Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award

8 Office of Integrated Environmental Education  2000: OIEE is created  2001: SB 373 enacted

9 SB 373  Environmental Concepts in Science Framework  Environmental Ambassador Program  Unified Education Strategy Program  Evaluation  Tools for Schools; Training & Assistance  Environmentally Preferable Products Database

10 SB 373: Outcomes  January 1, 2004 school survey  June 2005 report to the Governor and the Legislature

11 SB 373 Status  Environmental Concepts in Science Framework



14 Resources and Materials  State and Consumer Services Agency - funds for contracts -funds for Central Valley grants  State Board of Education and CDE - materials review and adoption  Technical Support -Cal/EPA -Resources Agency -State and Consumer Services Agency

15 SB 373 Institutes  Environmental Ambassadors - July 7-11 in Los Angeles Junior Achievement League for Forest Lawn -July 21-25 in Sacramento Cal/EPA building, Coastal Hearing Room, except Thursday in the Sierra Hearing Room -August 11-15 at Desert Sands USD (Voluntary School Choice)  Unified Education Strategy -July 17-18 in San Francisco -July 29-30 in Sacramento -August 7-8 in Los Angeles

16 OIEE: Other Responsibilities  CIWMB education coordination -semi-monthly meetings -SB 373 -CHPS -Used Oil education -DPLA education and diversion integration

17 OIEE: Other Responsibilities  Cal/EPA cross-media education coordination -Cross media education team meetings -EPA education web page -SB 373 -DTSC and CIWMB interactive internet project -SWRCB LA contract -Education and regulation -Border Education -Environmental Education legislation

18 OIEE Team  Becky Williams: Supervisor and SB 373 Team Leader  Pauline Lawrence: Curriculum Specialist  Tavia Pagan: Web Specialist  Don Peri: CEEIN/Environmentality Representative  Rachelle Steen: SCSA-energy liaison  Valorie Shatynski: Southern California Education Specialist  Alana Sanchez: Administrative Assistant

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