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Description: This tool is designed to foster a discussion that will set the overall tone of the practice coach/team/leader relationship. In addition to.

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Presentation on theme: "Description: This tool is designed to foster a discussion that will set the overall tone of the practice coach/team/leader relationship. In addition to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Description: This tool is designed to foster a discussion that will set the overall tone of the practice coach/team/leader relationship. In addition to helping define the length and scope of the coach’s engagement, this agreement is helpful in establishing mutual expectations, and for serving as a mechanism for periodic service review. Applications:  Provides a tool to assist the coach in generating discussion around areas of focus, length of engagement (including frequency and duration of meetings), and coach/team expectations.  Fosters discussion about team progress either midway through or at the end of the agreed upon engagement period. This includes determining together if the initial goals were met, and if not, provides an opportunity to reassess and revise the plan going forward.  Creates a more formal understanding of the shared responsibilities moving forward by having both parties sign the service agreement o Practice Improvement Support Service Agreement from the AF4Q Maine Alliance o Return On Investment (ROI) Calculator from the AF4Q P2 Collaborative, Western NY o Practice Team Maturity Assessment Tool from the AF4Q South Central Pennsylvania Alliance Description: This tool is used to assess practice team culture by individual leaders self assessing their capabilities in four categories: leadership, collaboration, continuous improvement and culture of learning. The tool provides feedback on the stage of development of their QI practice team. The tool provides steps to improve the practice’s culture and ways to sustain continuous improvement initiatives as well as tailor practice coaching interventions. Applications:  Completed by practice teams every six months to verify if progress has been made; all personnel (including non-clinicians) are encouraged to take the assessment with the reassurance that opinions will remain anonymous while providing summary data across the practice.  Defines the culture of a practice in four categories.  Provides recommendation for improvement steps on teamwork concepts.  Based on inputs, generates a tailored action plan log sheet including who will be accountable, due dates and follow-up summary.  Automatically creates graphs that can be used to communicate results to staff. Description: The ROI calculator allows practice managers to load patient profiles and staffing in order to determine future cash flow associated with specific quality improvement initiatives. The calculator itemizes annual future reimbursements from health plans and federal incentives associated with NCQA-PCMH and federal initiatives such as Meaningful Use. Applications:  Introduce a practice coaching program.  Predict future reimbursement and incentives associated with successful completion of QI initiatives.  Determine investments needed (time and resources) to meet requirements of the quality initiatives and to meet required guidelines to be eligible for higher reimbursements.  Justify sustainability model for ongoing practice coaching intervention at the practice level.

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