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Welcome to Green Team Mrs. Wilson – Social Studies - Team Leader Mr. Benvenuto – Math Mrs. Jasinski – Science Mrs. Kehoe – Language Arts Mrs. McHugh –

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Green Team Mrs. Wilson – Social Studies - Team Leader Mr. Benvenuto – Math Mrs. Jasinski – Science Mrs. Kehoe – Language Arts Mrs. McHugh –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Green Team Mrs. Wilson – Social Studies - Team Leader Mr. Benvenuto – Math Mrs. Jasinski – Science Mrs. Kehoe – Language Arts Mrs. McHugh – Special Education Mrs. Brown – Guided Study Mrs. Munk – Guided Study

2 Off to a great start! Year of tremendous change and growth for students. Many tools to help students have a great year.  Websites  Power School and Power Grade  Resource room  Guidance Counselor- Mrs. Morriera  Psychologist- Mrs. Swartz  Social Worker- Mr. Jim Johnson  Classroom Support Staff- Mrs. Gedrim  Library- Mrs. Schwartz and Mrs. Naples Great Kids come from Great Parents!

3 Student Behaviors Be Prompt  Be ready to learn when class begins. Be Prepared  Have materials and know due dates. Be a Polite and Positive participant  Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively. RESPECT- everyone always… Be Productive  Turn in work on time, and always do your best.  Participate actively in class. Be a Problem solver  Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate.

4 Student Responsibilities Bring notebook, textbook, planner, and appropriate writing tools to class. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. Check teacher websites and Powergrade often. All major assignments and tests are posted on our websites.

5 How Parents Can Help Be an active participant in your child’s education. Check your child’s teachers’ websites. Check your child’s grades online (often). Check your child’s planner (daily). Meet with the team as necessary. Assist with homework questions and projects, but don’t do it for them.

6 Policies Candy, gum, food and beverages are not allowed in the classroom. This includes water unless the weather is extremely hot. Teachers may make exceptions for half days or other reasons. Please review the dress code and check your child’s clothing, no rips in jeans above the knee, and no short skirts even with leggings. Also no slide style shoes. Late work is not accepted in 7 th grade. Teachers often offer an “emergency” date, but it may or may not be with penalty. Homework is never accepted late, and students may not return to lockers to get it. Absences  Ask team members or a classmate first for assignments. See teacher upon return to coordinate due dates.  Each absence has a one-day grace period for making up work.

7 Green Team Pledge of Academic Honesty I promise that the work that I am submitting is my own work. I have not copied anyone else’s work, and did not receive any help unless my teacher specifically allowed me to. I pledge that no part of this work has ever been handed in before, by anyone including myself, for any other class. I also pledge that I did not help anyone else with their work on this assignment, and did not allow anyone to copy my work. I say this on my honor.

8 NHMS Website ?PageName=TeacherPage&Page=1&StaffID=1394 32&iSection=Teachers&CorrespondingID=139432 ?PageName=TeacherPage&Page=1&StaffID=1394 32&iSection=Teachers&CorrespondingID=139432

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