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Next steps and implementation Robyn Johnston, IWMI Rivers for life and livelihoods River health in the Ayeyarwady and Thanlwin River Basins.

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Presentation on theme: "Next steps and implementation Robyn Johnston, IWMI Rivers for life and livelihoods River health in the Ayeyarwady and Thanlwin River Basins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next steps and implementation Robyn Johnston, IWMI Rivers for life and livelihoods River health in the Ayeyarwady and Thanlwin River Basins

2 Building evidence for integrated, sustainable watershed management Myanmar Water Framework Directive Basin development planning Livelihood support programs Hotspots & sweet spots, change thresholds, drivers & trends HR visions & values HR knowledge base HR report cards

3 MYHRI outputs Healthy Rivers Vision statement River Health Knowledge Base Healthy Rivers Report Cards – basin and local scale River Health Framework Resource Kit Project proposal for scaling up

4 Timeline

5 Healthy Rivers Vision Statement Workshops in each basin - September/ October 2015 Consultations with key stakeholders Field sites - community inputs National workshop in 2016 Issues - trends - values - vision Inclusive approach (gender, youth)

6 River Health Knowledge Base GIS database Time-series data Models and tools Results from field sites

7 River health report cards Basin scale - synthesis and analysis of basin data Local scale - for 3 sites in each basin, combining community views, field data and detailed RS / GIS

8 Field sites 3 in each basin Locations to be confirmed Work with communities to understand – their use, values and vision for river; – trends in river condition – local and regional drivers of change ECCDI and MIID

9 River health resource kit River health framework and approach for future monitoring Handbooks, guidelines, tools

10 Key points of interaction with MOECAF MOECAF role RH VisionInput to vision as key stakeholder RH Knowledge Base2-way data exchange RH Report Cards - basin scale Review and comment RH Report Cards - local scale Review and comment RHF Resource KitTraining in use of tools Project proposal for scaling upKey partner in proposal

11 Project partners Robyn Johnston Team leader Salween Tarek Ketelsen Team leader Ayeyarwady

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