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Scroll to next slide to modify the game board This is a template for you to use in your classroom. These notes will not appear on the actual slide show.

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2 Scroll to next slide to modify the game board This is a template for you to use in your classroom. These notes will not appear on the actual slide show. This is a template for you to use in your classroom. These notes will not appear on the actual slide show.

3 100 200 300 400 This button goes to Final Jeopardy answer Choose a Daily Double answer: Right click on a button, go to action settings, choose hyperlink to Slide…, select Slide 3, OK. Scroll to the next slide to link to the appropriate category slide Choose a Daily Double answer: Right click on a button, go to action settings, choose hyperlink to Slide…, select Slide 3, OK. Scroll to the next slide to link to the appropriate category slide Change category names by double clicking on them and typing in new category

4 Place Value period Each group of three digits separated by commas in a multidigit number. Click on What is to enter questions Right click each black box, action settings, choose play sound, and select sound for either right or wrong answers Click on column heading to enter category name Click on Place answer here to enter answer Selecting sounds: right click on box, check box for play sound, click on Other sound… Navigate to sound folder in Jeopardy folder, click on sound to be used.

5 Place Value The amount the digit is worth found by its position in a number. value

6 Place Value The way of writing a number that shows the value of each digit. Ex. 342=300+40+2 Expanded form

7 Place Value The usual or common way of writing a number using digits. Standard form

8 Add./Sub. The answer to a subtraction problem. difference

9 Add./Sub. The numbers that are added to a fixed sum. addends

10 Add./Sub. Any of the single number symbols, 1-9. digit

11 Add./Sub. The answer to an addition problem. sum

12 Algebra A part of a number sentence that has numbers and operation signs but does not have an equal sign. Expression

13 Algebra A letter or symbol that stands for an unknown number. Variable

14 Algebra What must happen on both sides of the equal sign in an equation. balance

15 Algebra A number sentence that states two amounts are equal. equation

16 Miscellaneous A number sentence that shows that two expressions are not equal, but instead are greater than or less than one another. inequality

17 Miscellaneous A known number of things that helps you understand the size or amount of a different number of things. Benchmark

18 Miscellaneous To replace a number with another number that tells about how many or how much. round

19 Miscellaneous A set of related basic fact equations that use the same numbers. Fact family

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