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IA & Design Project Henry Stokes INF 385E. Overview  Project Details  Organization  Navigation  Design  Vital Statistics  Post-mortem.

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Presentation on theme: "IA & Design Project Henry Stokes INF 385E. Overview  Project Details  Organization  Navigation  Design  Vital Statistics  Post-mortem."— Presentation transcript:

1 IA & Design Project Henry Stokes INF 385E

2 Overview  Project Details  Organization  Navigation  Design  Vital Statistics  Post-mortem

3 Project Details  Genealogical information  Place to put new discoveries  But what structure?

4 Every Ancestor to First Stokes

5 Organization – But how? Put all the names in a big list?  No Break up into time periods?  Yes Concerns:  Clutter  Unclear relationships  User not knowing where they are

6 Organization 11 th -12 th C. 1 Main Page 2 3... 13 th -14 th C.15 th -16 th C.17 th -18 th C. 19th-Present

7 Navigation  Elements on page Vertical global navigation?  No.  Confusing placement Horizontal global navigation?  Yes.  Allows expansion.

8 Navigation Global Navigation

9 Design  Colors Friendly, simple, clean Color-code each section  Labels Choose new titles for time periods  Conquerors, Noblemen, Settlers, etc.  Graphics Arrows to indicate relation

10 Design  Ways of letting user understand: Where they are  Color  Highlighting  Birthdates in file name The relations between elements  Proximity  ALT tags on arrows: “is the father of”

11 Vital Statistics  Tools Used Development: Visio HTML/Site mgmt: Dreamweaver Design elements: CSS Graphics: Photoshop  Total # of pages 25  Accessibility ALT tags for all images Not total reliance on color-codes

12 Post-mortem  What could be done better? Include indirect relatives Relations clearer  What I did well: Made room for expansion Simple friendly look

13 The Site

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