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Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Magazine Article Introducing the Selection Informational Text Focus: Logic and Coherence Writing Skills Focus Feature.

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Presentation on theme: "Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Magazine Article Introducing the Selection Informational Text Focus: Logic and Coherence Writing Skills Focus Feature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Magazine Article Introducing the Selection Informational Text Focus: Logic and Coherence Writing Skills Focus Feature Menu

2 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown How do you evaluate articles about the past?

3 Imagine that you were in charge of making a large purchase for the rest of your class. Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Introducing the Article Most likely, you would want the other students to be happy about how you spent the money.

4 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Introducing the Article President Thomas Jefferson found himself in a similar position after the United States bought the land between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. He sent his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, across the continent to bring back news about the purchase. He hoped that Americans would be excited and pleased about the new land. [End of Section]

5 Logic means correct reasoning. To be logical, the main ideas in a text should be supported by Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Informational Text Focus: Logic and Coherence reasons evidence examples

6 Statements are illogical if the evidence does not support what is being said. Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Informational Text Focus: Logic and Coherence Lincoln’s presidency was impressive because he was a tall, imposing man. illogical Lincoln’s presidency was impressive because he saw the nation through a terrible civil war. logical

7 The ideas in a coherent article have a clear relationship to one another. A text is coherent when all of its sentences and paragraphs flow smoothly from one to the next. Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Informational Text Focus: Logic and Coherence Lincoln was elected president in 1860. One year later, the Civil War began. These sentences have coherence because they are connected chronologically by the phrase one year later. Lincoln was elected president in 1860. One year later, the Civil War began.

8 Into Action: Use a chart like the one below to critique “Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown.” How effectively does the writer convey the main idea? [End of Section] Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Informational Text Focus: Logic and Coherence What is the main idea? “Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown” What details support the main idea? How thoroughly is the main idea developed? My critique:

9 Preparing for Timed Writing Writers give texts coherence by using transitional words to connect sentences and ideas. In a notebook, record five instances where writers use transitional words to link ideas. Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Writing Skills Focus [End of Section]

10 Vocabulary

11 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary negotiated v.: came to an agreement through discussion; talked. acquisition n.: something purchased or gained. corps n.: group of people with special training; a military unit.

12 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary When you negotiate something, you talk about it until everyone involved agrees. Which of these two groups looks as if it has negotiated successfully?

13 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary With smiles on their faces, the people in this group appear to have reached an agreement. When have you witnessed people negotiating? Describe what happened. Which of these two groups looks as if it has negotiated successfully?

14 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary a.The price was too low. b.The price was too high. c.The price was appropriate. Joel’s father successfully negotiated the car’s price when he bought a new car from the dealer. How did the dealer feel about the price?

15 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary Joel’s father successfully negotiated the car’s price when he bought a new car from the dealer. How did the dealer feel about the price? a.The price was too low. b.The price was too high. c.The price was appropriate.

16 When Jennifer came over wearing a new necklace, everyone wondered how she had made such an expensive acquisition. Name an acquisition that a library might make. It was either a gift or a purchase. Either way, the necklace was an impressive acquisition. Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary

17 Is the word acquisition used correctly below? Dante’s latest acquisition was a house that was falling down. He was glad to have sold it. An acquisition is a gain or purchase, so, according to the first sentence, Dante bought a house. The second sentence says that he sold the house. Acquisition is used incorrectly. Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary

18 The word corps often refers to a military unit. Corps can also refer to a group of people with specialized training. Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary The United States Marine Corps is a very well-known military unit that is trained to fight on land, in the air, and at sea. What other group might you identify as a corps?

19 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary a.collection Lindsey didn’t realize how hard she would have to work when she joined the drum and bugle corps at her school. Which word is the best substitute for corps?

20 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Vocabulary a.collection b. group Lindsey didn’t realize how hard she would have to work when she joined the drum and bugle corps at her school. Which word is the best substitute for corps?

21 The End

22 QuickWrite

23 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown QuickWrite How much do you know about the country you live in? Record five facts about the history and geography of the United States. [End of Section]

24 Build Background

25 In 1800, Spain made a secret agreement giving France control of a large area of North American land known as the Louisiana Territory. Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown When the United States learned of this arrangement in 1801, politicians knew that this land was strategically important. It contained the key commercial port of New Orleans as well as the mouth of the Mississippi River. Build Background

26 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown In 1803, the United States decided to buy this land from France, paying about three cents per acre for 828,000 square miles of land. This sale, known as the Louisiana Purchase, doubled the size of the United States. Build Background [End of Section]

27 Read with a Purpose

28 Lewis and Clark: Into the Unknown Magazine Article Read with a Purpose Read this article to learn why Thomas Jefferson wanted to explore a huge part of the country. [End of Section]

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