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John A. Ferguson Senior High 15900 S.W. 56 Street Miami, FL 33185.

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2 John A. Ferguson Senior High 15900 S.W. 56 Street Miami, FL 33185

3 MEDIA SPECIALISTS or LIBRARIANS ? Librarians have a degree in library science and work in the public libraries. Media Specialists are teachers who also have a degree in educational media. They are responsible for administering the information center program. They may not work in the public libraries. Media specialists are responsible for: Teaching Information Skills Working with the entire school community including administration Placing orders for materials that will meet the educational and instructional needs of the students and staff Collection development Preparing an annual budget Marketing

4 In the know Hours of operation Photocopies and printing from computer (color and black) Sections of the Information Center Types of reference materials Locating materials (Destiny and call numbers) Red shelf markers Number of books Fines Student ID’s – check out and printing Food and drink Computer usage Passes (during class and during lunch) Restrooms in the Information Center are for faculty use only Respecting the rights of others Accelerated Reader

5 SLIDE INTO A GOOD BOOK It may take you into great adventures

6 Mon. – Thurs 6:40 am – 3:00 pm Fri. 6:40 am – 2:30 pm

7  Check out up to 5 books at a time  The restrooms in the Information Center are for faculty only  Use your student ID card when checking out books  Books you check out today will be due in 2 weeks

8  Magazines are only checked overnight  Computers are to be used for instructional purpose only  No games or videos are permissible on school computers  By using these computers you agree to abide by Miami-Dade County Public School’s Acceptable Use Policy.

9 Library passes are required to use library during lunch Use a copy card for photocopies Keep your records clear of fines by returning books on time There will be a 5 cent fee charged daily until books are returned

10 Use a shelf marker when looking for books and place shelf marker back in the basket when finished. Be courteous and respectful to other library patrons Leave everything neater than how you found it No cell phones or electronic devices allowed

11 Ms. Lissette AlvarezMs. Lupe Diaz Mr. Steve BraddyMr. Oscar Morejon Mrs. Pat Dill



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