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3 rd period Ms.Mealy’s Class By Tomas Lopez ( the best ) LluviaMazonLovesFood (  she's fat ) Isela Martinez Melissa Rodriquez.

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Presentation on theme: "3 rd period Ms.Mealy’s Class By Tomas Lopez ( the best ) LluviaMazonLovesFood (  she's fat ) Isela Martinez Melissa Rodriquez."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 rd period Ms.Mealy’s Class By Tomas Lopez ( the best ) LluviaMazonLovesFood (  she's fat ) Isela Martinez Melissa Rodriquez

2 Homework pg22 Each student should leave the Sunnyside unified school district with a firm foundation. Homework is an essential component to reach this goal. Homework serves to develop individual study skills. The purpose of homework may be practice, preparation, and/or the extension of instruction objectives aligned to curriculum. Homework communicates to parents the nature of the learning activity in which the students is involved and provides an opportunity for dialogue.

3 Homework pg23 Homework activities may include reading, reinforcement of skills, special projects, and/or research. Homework will be monitored, and feedback will be given promptly. The impact of homework on grades will be reflected on report cards.

4 Visitors pg23 Parents are welcomed on the campus. All visitors must report to the guard shack first to receive a visitors pass, then to the principals office. Students are NOT to invite friends or relatives to visit them ( of any age ) to visit them on campus Any person found on the school grounds without permission to trespassing and is subject to arrest.

5 Internet user form All students having access to the internet must have an electronic information resource agreement form signed BOOKS. Each teacher issues books at the beginning of the school year, books are returned at the end of the year or semester.

6 Nurses office The Sunnyside nurses office is open daily during the school year. The nurse should be consulted in case of injury or illness. If you have a medication you must leave it at the nurses office

7 Clean campus Demonstrate your school pride by helping to keep campus free of litter and trash ! Trash cans are located throughout the campus and should be used. REMEMBER : DON’T BE A LITTER BUG !!

8 I.D CARDS All identification cards MUST be for the current school year and MUST be worn at ALL times. ID’s must be visible.

9 School cafeteria and snacks The cafeteria serves lunch and breakfast daily. Snack bars are open during the period hours. STUDENTS MUST SHOW THEIR I.D CARD WHEN PICKING UP THERE LUNCH. ! Students using another students i.d may be arrested for identity theft/fraud. REMEMBER THAT YOUR CAFETERIA IS A CLEAN, FRIENDLY PLACE. KEEP YOUR CAFETERIA CLEAN !! THANKS FOR WATCHING, BYE ! :D

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