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Presentation on theme: " University Business Parking Transportation Services Advisory Committee April 19, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 University Business Parking Transportation Services Advisory Committee April 19, 2011

2 Business Parking Overcrowding March 30 - Lot 20 full report 5 Business and 1 Service permit in the lot March 31 – Lot 20 full report 3 Business, 2 violators and 1 handicap in the lot

3 Lot 20 – Henderson Hall

4 Most Recent Business Lot Changes Lot 70-Cater Mattil – February 2009 Lot 75-Large Animal – January 2010 Lot 79-Lab Animal Care – January 2010 Lot 46-G. Rollie Coliseum – February 2010

5 Protocol Designate 2-3 business spaces with 2 hour limit, if needed E-mail permit holders & DPR’s Post A-frame signs at entrance to lot Issue warning citations for 2 weeks Our main goal is to protect our permit holders without inconveniencing our business customers.

6 Suggested Changes

7 Summary Approval to initiate protocol to make changes in Lot 20 now. Approval to change five orange lots in Fall 2011 Approval to take no action with 17 light blue lots How do we go forward in the other 17 lots if problems arise later?

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