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CONSEQUENCE ASSESSMENT. Consequence Assessment Definition: The analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information associated with an actual.

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2 Consequence Assessment Definition: The analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information associated with an actual or potential release of hazardous materials to the environment for estimating potential exposures or doses to workers and the public Objective: To provide timely and useful information to assist emergency response decision-makers in making informed decisions to protect people (e.g., workers, the public, and responders) from the potential consequences of a release of hazardous materials

3 Consequence Assessment Phases Consequence assessment can be most effectively performed in three distinct phases to meet the expected changing conditions of an Operational Emergency Initial event recognition o Categorization and classification o Protective actions Timely initial assessment Continuous ongoing assessment

4 Consequence Assessment Elements Information that pertains to an incident’s actual or potential impact Identifying Monitoring Analyzing Evaluating

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6 Factors That Influence Consequence Assessment Include Source term Meteorological conditions Topography Population/demographics Release duration Rate of release Location of release Time of day

7 Protective Action Criteria In addition to Hazards Assessments, these events have specific resources that provide protective action criteria: Radioactive material release o Protective Action Guides (PAGs) Toxic chemical release o Acute Exposure Guidelines Limits (AEGLs) o Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPGs) o Temporary Emergency Exposure Limits (TEELs) Biological safety facilities

8 EALs trigger actions! EALs trigger actions! Emergency Action Levels Facility-specific, predetermined, observable criteria used to detect, recognize, and determine the emergency class of Operational Emergencies

9 Decision-Making Process Involves Emergency management decisions that are consistent with a conservative assessment of the situation Timely event recognition and categorization Given incomplete and/or uncertain event data, conservative decisions are made

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