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Client Services Applications. What are Client Services Applications? Access Server CICS Client Application Server Turns the traditional picture upside.

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Presentation on theme: "Client Services Applications. What are Client Services Applications? Access Server CICS Client Application Server Turns the traditional picture upside."— Presentation transcript:

1 Client Services Applications

2 What are Client Services Applications? Access Server CICS Client Application Server Turns the traditional picture upside down!

3 Client Services n Customer-written CICS application program n Provides mainframe applications with SQL access to LAN resources n Supported targets –SQL Server –Oracle –Sybase –And any other ODBC data source

4 Client Services and Stored Procedures n RSPs are initiated at the workstation n CSAs are initiated at the mainframe n RSPs make CICS resources available to the workstation n CSAs make LAN resources available to CICS programs

5 Client Services Processing SQL Server Oracle Access Server CICS Chicago New York CSA

6 Client Services Applications n Standard CICS program n Supported languages –COBOL II –Assembler –PL/I –C

7 Typical Uses for Client Services n Move LAN data to the mainframe n Display LAN data to a CICS user n Move mainframe data to the LAN n Synchronize mainframe and LAN data

8 Use for ViaSQL Transfer Operations n Move data between the mainframe and LAN-based RDMBS systems n TRANSFERS are initiated from the mainframe –Time-based –After nightly batch processing –By other CICS processes n Supported LAN-based DBMS systems –SQL Server –Oracle –Sybase –And any other ODBC data source

9 Integrate 4GL Applications n Ideal for access to Datacom/DB n Natural for access to Adabas

10 Client Services API n Easy to use n Same API as Remote Stored Procedures n Five additional commands n Standard system CALL statement n Stored procedure communication area (SPAREA) n Stub routines

11 Client Services Commands n ATTACHestablish a connection to the LAN n DETACHterminate the LAN connection n REQEXECexecute an SQL request n RESCHECKcheck the status of results n GETMSGretrieve any messages

12 Retrieving Data n OPENPIPEopen a pipe to the data n GETPIPEread rows of data from the pipe n CLOSPIPEclose the pipe

13 CSA Requests n Any type of SQL or SQL extension n Multiple statements n TRANSFER statements n SQL Server Stored Procedures n USE PROCEDURE statements

14 Attachment Definitions n Defines paths for CSAs to communicate with the LAN n Created via ViaSQL Access Server transaction n Specifies various configuration values –LU6.2 or TCP/IP connection information –DBMS Service Name –DBMS Service Type –Userid –Password

15 Userid and Password n Must be specified if the target database requires them n Can be supplied by the CICS client application n Can be supplied in the attachment definition

16 System Administration S Y S T E M A D M I N I S T R A T I O N A - Site Configuration B - Perform an SQL Processing Test C - Create System Tables D - Execute and SQL Statement E - Attachment Definition X - End System Administration Specify Function ===> Access Server Version 3.0 Copyright (C) Viaserv Inc. 1996-2000 All Rights Reserved

17 Attachment Definition List A T T A C H M E N T D E F I N I T I O N L I S T Attachment NameDescription LAN001Oracle database in Accounting Department LAN002SQL Server in Shipping Department ROBERTMachine in Bob’s Cubicle ENTER=DISPLAY DEFINITION F2=DELETE F3=END F4=ADD F5=TOP F6=BOT F7=BWD F8=FWD

18 Attachment Definition A T T A C H M E N T D E F I N I T I O N Attachment Name:LAN002 Description:SQL Server in Shipping Department ------------- TCP/IP INFO -------------- IP address: Port#: 5300 DBMS Service Name:ShipDB DBMS Service Type:MSSQL Userid:USER1 Password: F3=END F4=TEST DEFINITION ENTER=UPDATE DEFINITION

19 More Information n Client Services Applications Programmers Guide and Reference n Sample CSAs on our website n Sample CSAs distributed with ViaSQL software

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