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Education Development Plans (EDP) Make the Motor City Connection Between High School and College 2005 NTPN Annual Conference September 30, 2005 Orlando.

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Presentation on theme: "Education Development Plans (EDP) Make the Motor City Connection Between High School and College 2005 NTPN Annual Conference September 30, 2005 Orlando."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Development Plans (EDP) Make the Motor City Connection Between High School and College 2005 NTPN Annual Conference September 30, 2005 Orlando World Center Marriott Introductions and Overview Jim Whitledge, Consultant, Guidance & Counseling, Oakland Schools Career Development Vicki McNiff, Counselor, OCC, Orchard Ridge Campus Education Development Plan (EDP) Noreen Ruehs, Counselor, OCC, Royal Oak Campus Tom Kress, Counselor, OCC, Royal Oak Campus Large Group Resolution Pat Nowaczynski, Counselor, OCC, Auburn Hills Campus

2 Oakland County Tech Prep Consortium The Oakland County Tech Prep Consortium is comprised of: 28 local school districts 44 high schools four technical campuses business/industry/labor affiliates five campuses of Oakland Community College Oakland Schools, the intermediate school district of Oakland County.

3 An Overview of Oakland County, Michigan Geography: Located north of Detroit; 910 square miles. The county has 450 lakes within its boundaries. Population: 1,134,195. For the year 2000, the estimated median age of the county was 36.7 years. Median Income: Third wealthiest county in the nation. Median income per household (1999) was $61,907 (U.S. average = $41,994). Commerce: Forty-five Fortune 500 companies do business in the County.. One-third of all U.S. auto production takes place within 70 miles of the County. Robotics firms in Oakland County account for more than 50% of all U.S. robotics sales. 35 % of Global Fortune 500 companies have business locations in the County.

4 Career Development and Education Connections - Overview The parts make up the whole Moving along the highways in Oakland County Web-Based Education Development Plan (EDP) The Future

5 The Parts Make Up the Whole Oakland County School Districts and their Schools Oakland Community College/Counselors Legislation/Funding/Accreditation A Web-Based Education Development Plan (EDP) School Counselors Administrative Support and Understanding Students & Parents

6 Moving along the highways in Oakland County Elementary Middle School High School Postsecondary

7 Selection of a product (the engine) The Web-Based EDP Timeline for getting the product on the road Costs (sticker price) Product evaluation (maintenance schedule) Dealer service and support

8 The Future Benefits (options) Phase-in over a period of time (break-in period) Challenges (safety)

9 Career Development Self Exploration




13 Career Development Career Options





18 Career Development Decision Making & Goal Setting




22 Career Development Job Search Process


24 Job Preparation Seamless Transition Career Guidance Software EDP



27 Parking Lots and Potholes! Communication (Common training, K- 14; used in all career classes) Funding (Grants for career development, assessment, and college initiative grants) Technology Implications (Common software, K-14, web based accessibility) Buy-in to concept (collaboration across the college) Leadership (counselor-to-counselor and Tech Prep connections)


29 Career Cruising!

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