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GenCap Highlights - Indonesia Presentation - Inter Agency Standing Committee Linda Pennells IASC GenCap Gender Advisor Office of the UN Humanitarian/Resident.

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Presentation on theme: "GenCap Highlights - Indonesia Presentation - Inter Agency Standing Committee Linda Pennells IASC GenCap Gender Advisor Office of the UN Humanitarian/Resident."— Presentation transcript:

1 GenCap Highlights - Indonesia Presentation - Inter Agency Standing Committee Linda Pennells IASC GenCap Gender Advisor Office of the UN Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator – OCHA Assignment: 06.08.08 – 06.01.09 Presentation Date: 21.01.09

2 Indonesia – The Context  Ring of Fire: earthquake centre - 129 active volcanoes  Annual flashfloods, mudslides, droughts  Highest # human deaths – bird flu  Pockets of insurgency  UN-GoI partnership in DRR & emergency response

3 Strategy  Support: Clusters / UNCT –contingency plans, rapid needs assessment (RNA)  Engage: build credibility via evidence- based field findings Aceh tsunami – insights on each sector Yogyakarta/Central Java earthquake – shelter Papua – community engagement dynamics  Advocate/build capacity: use findings to anchor training, facilitation, presentation  Keep door open: be there

4 Major Outcomes  More gender-responsive cluster response: CP, RNA, shelter ‘demonstrator’, OCHA checklist  Gender Theme Group operating at a more strategic level: Gender Strategy for Inter- Agency Collaboration, Aceh Gender Joint Programme  Increased collaboration with donors on gender agenda: donor request training & UN GE ‘value added’  Need registers for SEA Network

5 Major Outcomes  More gender-responsive cluster response: CP, RNA, shelter ‘demonstrator’, OCHA checklist  Gender Theme Group operating at a more strategic level: Gender Strategy for Inter- Agency Collaboration, Aceh Gender Joint Programme  Increased collaboration with donors on gender agenda: donor request training & UN GE ‘value added’  Need registers for SEA Network

6 Enabling Factors  Champions – Head of OCHA, Head of UNFPA, RC and teams  Working in collaboration – gender focal points, partners (IFRC)  Packaging: cluster-specific findings & briefings  Linking humanitarian action to development  Plugging in donors & implementers

7 Cameo Moments  Gender Theme Group bonds and ‘comes back for more’  RC/HC facilitates gender session with Gender Theme Group  Head of OCHA creates GM facilitation art


9 Challenges  Lack of GE mechanisms for inter- agency work  Preparedness/CP dilemma: ‘no- crisis’ complacency  Gender Theme Group: no PAF – no legitimacy  Fragmentation between emergency- recovery-development frustrates GE

10 STRATEGY SEA Joint Programmes Other ‘One UN’ Initiatives IASC Clusters

11 Recommendations / Insights  Socialize the Cluster Approach  Strengthen IASC TOR - GE  Agree multi-cluster key performance indicators & gender analysis  Ensure gender competency is strategically located

12 Recommendations / Insights  Require HQ of each cluster lead agency to commit to ensuring senior gender TA is on site for the 3-month emergency period  Get R&R mechanisms right – GE  Do econometrics study of data sex disaggregation

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