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Producer and Consumer Surplus. Show the effect on CS/PS on diamonds following a 50% increase in the wages for diamond miners.

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Presentation on theme: "Producer and Consumer Surplus. Show the effect on CS/PS on diamonds following a 50% increase in the wages for diamond miners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Producer and Consumer Surplus

2 Show the effect on CS/PS on diamonds following a 50% increase in the wages for diamond miners.

3 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on CS/PS following a $10 government tax on all internal flights in the USA.

4 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on CS/PS for pork following an outbreak of the Bird Flu.

5 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on CS/PS for electrical items following an increase in the British VAT rate from 17.5% to 20%.

6 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on CS/PS for gold following a fall in confidence for major world currencies such as the euro and dollar.

7 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on CS/PS on bicycles following a government subsidy for new bikes.

8 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on PS/CS on London Underground tickets following a strike by train drivers.

9 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on PS/CS for windfarms following a reduction in subsidies.

10 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on PS/CS on the housing market in the USA following the banking collapse in 2008-9.

11 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on PS/CS for mobile phones following the discovering of vast quantities of easily mined cobalt in Africa.

12 Producer and Consumer Surplus Show the effect on CS/PS for silver following an rise in incomes in BRIC countries.

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