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February 11, 2013 DO NOW :  Group leaders: Start a discussion with this question: What was the most interesting thing you learned about an immigrant.

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Presentation on theme: "February 11, 2013 DO NOW :  Group leaders: Start a discussion with this question: What was the most interesting thing you learned about an immigrant."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 11, 2013 DO NOW :  Group leaders: Start a discussion with this question: What was the most interesting thing you learned about an immigrant group from the textbook? DO NOW

2 Odds and Ends Salsa Verde Cooperative Skill of the Week Homework

3 Today’s Objectives Content: I will summarize experiences from an immigrant group Language: I will write an attention grabbing lead for my immigration essay

4 Immigration Essay Compare/Contrast Experiences of Immigrant Groups to the United States

5 Immigration Essay Introduction Learning Targets I write an introduction by: Writing an attention grabbing lead Writing a thesis statement Defining/Explaining my topic

6 Immigration Essay Attention Grabbing Lead What types of leads could we use? State Statistic or Fact Ask a Question Create a scene or image Personal Comment Statement of a Problem Definition An Expert Opinion Which options could work best? Why?

7 Immigration Essay Attention Grabbing Lead Creating the lead…

8 Make a poster of your immigrant group Name of group and year(s) they came to America Include the information from your notes/the text with headings Include two images that represent your immigrant’s experience and write a brief explanation of the image

9 February 12, 2013 DO NOW :  Group leaders: Start a discussion with this question: What was the most interesting thing you learned about the immigrant you interviewed? DO NOW

10 Odds and Ends Salsa Verde Cooperative Skill of the Week Homework Candy-gram sale at lunch

11 Today’s Objectives Content: I will experience the effects of immigration in the mid-1800s I will predict problems with population growth I will discuss thoughts and feelings about immigration and population growth Language: I will write background information for my immigration essay

12 Immigration Essay Introduction Learning Targets I write an introduction by: Writing an attention grabbing lead Writing a thesis statement Defining/Explaining my topic

13 Immigration Essay Background Information What information does our reader need to know before learning about multiple immigrant experiences? Why that information?

14 Immigration Essay Background Information Crafting the information into sentences

15 Setting Up Each team must create: A unique way to say hello A hand gesture or handshake to go along with it

16 ISN: New York City - 1830 Population: 240,000 Represented by three students How many people does each student represent? 80,000

17 New York City - 1840 Wave of immigration New Population: 560,000 How many immigrants go to New York? 4

18 New York City - 1850 Wave of immigration New Population: 1,200,000 How many immigrants go to New York? 7/8

19 New York City - 1860 Wave of immigration New Population: 1,800,000 8 more students Everyone who is left to to New York

20 Debrief-Solo How did it feel as you entered New York? What were the reactions of others already there? Once you were in New York, how did it feel when more immigrants entered the city? As New York City’s mayor, what must be done to accommodate this level of growth What problems might arise from this rapid growth?

21 Debrief-Discuss with team How did it feel as you entered New York? What were the reactions of others already there? Once you were in New York, how did it feel when more immigrants entered the city? As New York City’s mayor, what must be done to accommodate this level of growth What problems might arise from this rapid growth?

22 Make a poster of your immigrant group Name of group and year(s) they came to America Include the information from your notes/the text with headings Include two images that represent your immigrant’s experience and write a brief explanation of the image

23 February 14, 2013 DO NOW :  Group leaders: Start a discussion with this question: Why do you think some people have negative attitudes about immigration? DO NOW

24 Odds and Ends Salsa Verde Cooperative Skill of the Week Homework

25 Today’s Objectives Content: I will Define Nativism, Xenophobia and the Know-Nothings I will read and analyze examples of Nativist comments Discuss and explain why and how people feel about immigrants and immigration Language: I will write a thesis statement for my immigration essay

26 Immigration Essay Introduction Learning Targets I write an introduction by: Writing an attention grabbing lead Writing a thesis statement Defining/Explaining my topic

27 Immigration Essay Thesis Statement What is a thesis statement? What does your thesis statement need to tell your reader in this essay?

28 Immigration Essay Thesis Statement Writing Thesis Statements

29 ISN: Vocabulary Nativism: the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants Xenophobia: intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries

30 ISN: Vocabulary 2 The Know-Nothing’s: A political party with a Nativist, or anti-immigration agenda. The views were often so unpopular that when people were asked about their position on political issues, they would say, “I know nothing.” Ironically they were also known as the Native American Party

31 February 15, 2013 DO NOW :  Everyone: Turn in your homework  Group Leaders: Start a discussion with this question: What barriers do you think native born people can create for immigrants? DO NOW

32 Odds and Ends Salsa Verde Cooperative Skill of the Week Homework

33 Today’s Objectives Content: I will read and analyze examples of Nativist comments Discuss and explain why and how people feel about immigrants and immigration Language: I will summarize the experiences of an immigrant group

34 Nativist Attitudes Primary Resources Read in your teams Highlight important phrases about the attitudes toward the Irish, or ones you have questions about What important phrases did you notice?

35 Make a poster of your immigrant group Name of group and year(s) they came to America Include the information from your notes/the text with headings Include two images that represent your immigrant’s experience and write a brief explanation of the image

36 Summary What reasons do people have for being against immigration?

37 February 20, 2013 DO NOW :  Group leaders: Begin a discussion about this question: How have you positively contributed to your school, community, or other organization? DO NOW

38 Odds and Ends Salsa Verde Cooperative Skill of the Week Homework

39 Today’s Objectives Content: I will read about immigrants and their contributions I will summarize immigrants’ contributions Language: I will name and compile a list of transitions

40 Hand Back Materials Interview Plan

41 Transition Words and Phrases What is the purpose of transition words and phrases? Why do transition words and phrases enhance our writing?

42 Transitions to Connect/Compare Ideas What transitions can we use to connect ideas? Where can we get more ideas?

43 Transitions to Contrast Ideas What transitions can we use to contrast ideas? Where can we get more ideas?

44 Immigrant Contributions Jigsaw You will read and complete one immigrant on your own. Then each person will teach the rest of the team about your immigrant

45 February 22, 2013 DO NOW :  Group leaders: Begin a discussion about this question: Why should we acknowledge the contributions of immigrants to the United States? DO NOW

46 Odds and Ends Salsa Verde Cooperative Skill of the Week Homework

47 Today’s Objectives Content: I will read about immigrants and their contributions I will summarize immigrants’ contributions Language: I will create a summary list in my notes of famous immigrants

48 ISN: Immigrant Contributions Immigrant Name: __________________________ Time Period: ____________ Country of Origin: _______________________ Contributions Made to the United States:

49 Summary Who was the most interesting immigrant from today? Why them? What was the best contribution made by an immigrant? Why that one?

50 February 25, 2013 DO NOW :  Group leaders: Begin a discussion about this question: How do you think immigrants gain rights and respect from native born citizens? DO NOW

51 Odds and Ends Salsa Verde Cooperative Skill of the Week Homework

52 Today’s Objectives Content: I will gather information from a video I will discuss important points and main ideas Language: I will discuss how immigrants gain rights and respect in America

53 Homework: Compare and Contrast Essay What we we’ve done: Attention grabbing lead Background information for the reader Thesis Statements Transitions What we are going to look at today: The body paragraphs

54 The Body Paragraphs What is the thesis statement? What are our main ideas for each paragraph that will support our thesis? How will we support each main idea?

55 Rights and Acceptance How have immigrants been treated when the arrive to America? How do you know? What causes one cultural group to treat another poorly? Are the Irish, Italians, Jews, Polish, Germans still treated disrespectfully? What do you think caused that change?

56 What do you know about Cesar Chavez? What do you want to know?

57 ISN: Cesar Chavez and the Grape Boycott What do you think is the main problem between immigrant and Native populations? THINK: What are immigrants in search of? Why would native populations not want them to have it?

58 Anger and Love Were the workers in Delano angry? How did they show it? Why didn’t they attack the owners and people in power? Did they love? How?

59 Cesar Chavez, the Grape Boycott, and contributions of immigrants to American ideals Note-taking Guide for Video


61 Today’s Objectives Content: Identify attitudes about present day immigrants Language: Discuss attitudes about immigration

62 ISN: Present day Attitudes about immigration Claim Response

63 ISN: Present day Attitudes about immigration Xenophobia: The intense dislike and irrational fear of other cultures or people from other countries. Are the claims about immigrants legitimate or xenophobic? Why or why not? Are the responses to those claims pluralistic? Why or why not?

64 Discussion What were the views of Native American tribes on immigration prior to European arrival? How does Native American attitudes about immigration or movement of people with current attitudes about immigration in the United States?

65 Summary What is the best claim against immigration today? Why that one? What was the most xenophobic claim about immigrants? Why that one?

66 What do you know about the Constitution?

67 ISN: The Constitution There are many Constitutional Debates Definition of Citizenship 14 th Amendment defines a citizen as “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

68 ISN: The Constitution 14 th Amendment defines a citizen as “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” What is a citizen? Why might that be a problem?

69 Today’s Objectives Content: Review directions for final assessment Look at and critique student work Compare and contrast immigrant experiences Language: Discuss how different immigrant experiences Define compare and contrast as a tool for explaining

70 Final Assessment Directions Student work What is good? What could be improved? Rubric

71 Final Assessment What does it mean to compare? To look at two or more things together What does it mean to contrast? To decide and explain what is similar and what is different of the things being compared

72 Final Assessment Who is doing…? Essay PowerPoint Poster You may not be out of your seat after you have materials without permission – violations can result in working alone

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