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Are They Really Different?.  Check out these ads in which Apple and Microsoft are battling for the “coolness” factor: ◦ Apple Macintosh Apple Macintosh.

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Presentation on theme: "Are They Really Different?.  Check out these ads in which Apple and Microsoft are battling for the “coolness” factor: ◦ Apple Macintosh Apple Macintosh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are They Really Different?

2  Check out these ads in which Apple and Microsoft are battling for the “coolness” factor: ◦ Apple Macintosh Apple Macintosh ◦ Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows ◦ Goofy Bill Gates-Jerry Seinfeld Ad Goofy Bill Gates-Jerry Seinfeld Ad

3  Bill Gates bought DOS  Windows started as an add on to DOS  DOS/Windows would run on generic hardware  Windows evolved into a full fledged OS  Windows has adopted many popular features Apple made its own OS from scratch Apple ran on proprietary hardware only OSX – built on UNIX Free BSD Apple moves to standard hardware Apple OS becomes very complex

4  Both use the same processing chips  Both use the same memory and hard drives  Both use the same ports and peripheral equipment  Both are extremely complex systems  They can share files, networks and networked printers  Both run the same major software packages

5  Cheaper up front  Software availability (especially for specialized uses)  Wide support  Fairly easy to use for most users  Security has improved considerably

6 More expensive over time A lot of software poorly designed/buggy Viruses / security issues Included applications are weak Hardware / Software compatibility issues

7  Less expensive over time  Incredibly solid OS  Great applications included  No need for anti-virus software  Hardware made to work with software  Close knit community of users / advocates

8 More expensive up front Software scarce for specialized tasks Occasionally marginalized Some software is overpriced Less options for hardware configuration

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