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1 BPA Fish and Wildlife Division Process Improvement Initiative Overview January 2005.

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1 1 BPA Fish and Wildlife Division Process Improvement Initiative Overview January 2005

2 2 Fish and Wildlife Project Lifecycle BPA’s Fish & Wildlife Division has developed a model of its business.

3 3 F&W’s Process Improvement Initiative F&W’s Process Improvement initiative has been underway for approximately one year. BPA has since begun a corporate-wide process improvement project, that our effort is synchronized with. F&W’s project is currently entering the implementation phase, and has dramatic improvements already underway for FY2005. Process Improvement is focused on improving BPA’s activities within project implementation first because: We have heard from our stakeholders that there is great potential for improvement in the efficiency of BPA’s contracting processes, our project management effectiveness, and transparency of our operations. Overseeing the implementation of projects is largely within BPA’s responsibility and should be an area where we can evoke change. This initiative will provide a foundation that can be applied to improving project selection next. The Council, CBFWA, and F&W contractors are all participating in the timely implementation of the Process Improvement Initiative. Process Improvement is in full-swing!

4 4 1.Establishing a Clear and Consistent Structure for All F&W Contract Work Institute a standard approach to developing every project’s scope, budget, work schedule, and deliverables that will achieve a basic level of quality and allow information to be entered into Pisces. 2.Installing Pisces, A New Software System to House Information About All F&W Projects and The Program’s Operations Leverage Pisces to improve our operational efficiency and make information about the program easily accessible by all stakeholders. 3.Gathering Periodic Status Reports About Project Progress On-line By allowing contractors to enter project status information on-line, enable BPA to proactively manage the work and achieve greater effectiveness and overall savings. 4.Gathering Metrics About the Program’s Biological Progress and Return on Investment Develop a picture of the program’s biological achievements that can be used to support strategic decision making and continuous improvement in the overall program. For 2005, Process Improvement is focused on: Process Improvement’s Focus

5 5 What is Pisces? Pisces is the software system BPA will use to manage the F&W program. Pisces Will: House all information about F&W projects and contracts including the SOW, budget, work schedule, status reports, biological metrics, and GIS project locations. Make information about the F&W program easily accessible by anyone with an internet connection. In the future, Pisces will be used to manage the project selection process. Pisces is being developed by BPA, and is currently installed on the computer of all BPA F&W team members.

6 6 Anticipated Results Consistent, high-quality project management that produces deliverables for the funds we expend. Rapid contract execution that lowers costs and speeds on-the-ground implementation. Clear sources of guidance that bring consistency to our project management staff, and clearly articulate the rules of the F&W program for our external partners. Capture of biological metrics that measure program accomplishments and can be used to choose the best approach to recovery via project selection. Pisces, a software system that will improve F&W’s overall efficiency and make program reports available to stakeholders on-line. A foundation for future improvements that could include a renovated project selection process and the definition of F&W obligations, enabling BPA to work towards a clearly articulated goal. In 2005, Process Improvement will deliver:

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