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Hallelujah! Praise God! Text: Psalm 146 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 84.

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2 Hallelujah! Praise God! Text: Psalm 146 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 84

3 Sing un-to the E-ter-nal; sing your prais-es to Him; Verse 1 of 3

4 Put your trust not in mor-tals, for in them is no help. Verse 1 of 3

5 Hal-le-lu-jah! Praise God! The E-ter-nal shall reign! Verse 1 of 3

6 He shall reign for all a-ges, our King and our God! Verse 1 of 3

7 Sing un-to the E-ter-nal; give your prais-es to Him; Verse 2 of 3

8 He it was who made heav-en, earth and sea and all things. Verse 2 of 3

9 Hal-le-lu-jah! Praise God! The E-ter-nal shall reign! Verse 2 of 3

10 He shall reign for all a-ges, our King and our God! Verse 2 of 3

11 Sing un-to the E-ter-nal; let your hope be in Him; Verse 3 of 3

12 He re-mains true for-ev-er; He gives jus-tice to all. Verse 3 of 3

13 Hal-le-lu-jah! Praise God! The E-ter-nal shall reign! Verse 3 of 3

14 He shall reign for all a-ges, our King and our God! Verse 3 of 3

15 O Worship the King Text: From Psalm 104; Sir Robert Grant, 1833; alt. Music: Johann M. Haydn Page 131

16 O wor-ship the King, all glo-rious a-bove! Verse 1 of 4

17 O grate-ful-ly sing His pow-er and His love! Verse 1 of 4

18 Our Shield and De-fend-er, the An-cient of Days, Verse 1 of 4

19 Pa-vil-ioned in splen-dor, and gird-ed with praise. Verse 1 of 4

20 O tell of His might! O sing of His grace! Verse 2 of 4

21 His gar-ment is light, His can-o-py is space. Verse 2 of 4

22 His char-iots of wrath the deep thun-der-clouds form, Verse 2 of 4

23 And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. Verse 2 of 4

24 Thy boun-ti-ful care, what tongue can re-cite? Verse 3 of 4

25 It breathes in the air; it shines in the light; Verse 3 of 4

26 It streams from the hills; it de-scends to the plain, Verse 3 of 4

27 And sweet-ly dis-tils in the dew and the rain. Verse 3 of 4

28 Frail chil-dren of dust, and fee-ble as frail, Verse 4 of 4

29 In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail; Verse 4 of 4

30 Thy mer-cies how ten-der, how firm to the end, Verse 4 of 4

31 Our Mak-er, De-fend-er, Re-deem-er and Friend! Verse 4 of 4

32 Now Thank We All Our God TEXT Martin Rinkart, 1636; translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1858 MUSIC: Johann Cruger, 1647; from Felix Mendelssohn’s “Hymn of Praise,” 1840 Page 117

33 Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voic-es, Verse 1 of 3

34 Who won-drous things hath done, in whom His Church re-joic-es, Verse 1 of 3

35 Who from our moth-ers’ arms hath blessed us on our way Verse 1 of 3

36 With count-less gifts of love, and still is ours to-day. Verse 1 of 3

37 O may this boun-teous God through all our lives be near us, Verse 2 of 3

38 With ev-er joy-ful hearts and bless-ed peace to cheer us, Verse 2 of 3

39 And keep us in His grace, and guide us when per-plexed, Verse 2 of 3

40 And free us from all ills in this world and the next. Verse 2 of 3

41 All praise and thanks to God, the Fa-ther, now be giv-en, Verse 3 of 3

42 The Son, the One who reigns with Him in high-est heav-en, Verse 3 of 3

43 The one E-ter-nal God, whom earth and heav’n a-dore; Verse 3 of 3

44 For thus it was, is now, and shall be ev-er-more. Verse 3 of 3


46 Worthy of Worship Text: Psalm 87; The Psalter, 1912 Music: BRYNTIRION; H, Roth Page 186

47 Wor-thy of wor-ship, wor-thy of praise, Wor-thy of hon-or and glo-ry; Verse 1 of 3

48 Wor-thy of all the glad songs we can sing, Wor-thy of all of the off-’rings we bring. Verse 1 of 3

49 You are wor-thy, Fa-ther, Cre-a-tor. You are wor-thy, Sav-ior, Sus-tain-er. Verse 1 of 3

50 You are wor-thy, wor-thy and won-der- ful, Wor-thy of wor-ship and praise. Verse 1 of 3

51 Wor-thy of rev-’rence, wor-thy of fear, Wor-thy of love and de-vo-tion; Verse 2 of 3

52 Wor-thy of bow-ing and bend-ing of knees, Wor-thy of all this and add-ed to these. Verse 2 of 3

53 You are wor-thy, Fa-ther, Cre-a-tor. You are wor-thy, Sav-ior, Sus-tain-er. Verse 2 of 3

54 You are wor-thy, wor-thy and won-der- ful, Wor-thy of wor-ship and praise. Verse 2 of 3

55 Al-might-y Fa-ther, Mas-ter and Lord, King of all kings and Re-deem-er, Verse 3 of 3

56 Won-der-ful Coun-se-lor, Com-for-ter, Friend, Sav-ior and Source of our life with-out end. Verse 3 of 3

57 You are wor-thy, Fa-ther, Cre-a-tor. You are wor-thy, Sav-ior, Sus-tain-er. Verse 3 of 3

58 You are wor-thy, wor-thy and won-der- ful, Wor-thy of wor-ship and praise. Verse 3 of 3


60 In Thy Lovingkindness, Lord Text: Psalm 51; The Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church,1887 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 31

61 In Thy lov-ing-kind-ness, Lord, be mer-ci-ful to me; Verse 1 of 4

62 In com-pas-sion great blot out all in-iq-ui-ty. Verse 1 of 4

63 Wash me thor-ough-ly from sin, from all guilt cleanse Thou me; Verse 1 of 4

64 For trans-gres-sions I con-fess; sins I ev-er see. Verse 1 of 4

65 'Gainst Thee on-ly have I sinned, done e-vil in Thy sight, Verse 2 of 4

66 That Thou speak-ing may be just, and in judg-ing right. Verse 2 of 4

67 My in-iq-ui-ties blot out, my sin hide from Thy view, Verse 2 of 4

68 And in me a clean heart make, spir-it right re-new. Verse 2 of 4

69 From Thy gra-cious pres-ence, Lord, O cast me not a-way, Verse 3 of 4

70 And Thy Ho-ly Spir-it take not from me I pray. Verse 3 of 4

71 Joy which Thy sal-va-tion brings a-gain to me restore; Verse 3 of 4

72 With Thy Spir-it free do Thou keep me ev-er-more. Verse 3 of 4

73 Sac-ri-fice dost Thou not want, else would I give it Thee, Verse 4 of 4

74 And with of-fer-ing shalt Thou not de-light-ed be. Verse 4 of 4

75 For a bro-ken spir-it is to God a sac-ri-fice, Verse 4 of 4

76 And a bro-ken, con-trite heart, Thou wilt not des-pise. Verse 4 of 4


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