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1 OASIS Active Objects, Semantics, Internet, and Security Large Scale, Parallel and Distributed Systems Middleware, Programming Models & Semantics, Verification.

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Presentation on theme: "1 OASIS Active Objects, Semantics, Internet, and Security Large Scale, Parallel and Distributed Systems Middleware, Programming Models & Semantics, Verification."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 OASIS Active Objects, Semantics, Internet, and Security Large Scale, Parallel and Distributed Systems Middleware, Programming Models & Semantics, Verification Challenge: Safe & Efficient & Big Our current Scale range: 500 nodes to 5 000 nodes Targets: Grids and P2P, both Scientific and Enterprise

3 2 ASP Calculus & Formalism Specification & Verification Active Object & Components OASIS: A Threefold Approach PLATFORMSPLATFORMS VerCors

4 3 OASIS Team Composition ►Researchers:  D. Caromel (UNSA, Det. INRIA)  E. Madelaine (INRIA)  F. Baude (UNSA)  F. Huet (UNSA)  L. Henrio (CNRS) ►Assistants:  Patricia Maleyran (INRIA)  Sandra Devauchelle (I3S) ►PhDs (11):  Antonio Cansado (INRIA, Conicyt)  Brian Amedro (SCS-Agos)  Cristian Ruz (INRIA, Conicyt)  Elton Mathias (INRIA-Cordi)  Imen Filali (SCS-Agos / FP7 SOA4All)  Marcela Rivera (INRIA, Conicyt)  Muhammad Khan (STIC-Asia)  Paul Naoumenko (INRIA/Région PACA)  Viet Dung Doan (FP6 Bionets)  Virginie Contes (SOA4ALL)  Guilherme Pezzi (AGOS, CIFRE SCP) ►PostDoc:  Regis Gascon (INRIA) ►Engineers (10 en 2009):  Elaine Isnard (AGOS)  Fabien Viale (ANR OMD2, Renault )  Franca Perrina (AGOS)  Germain Sigety (INRIA)  Yu Feng (ETSI, FP6 EchoGrid)  Bastien Sauvan (ADT Galaxy)  Florin-Alexandru.Bratu (INRIA CPER)  Igor Smirnov (Microsoft)  Fabrice Fontenoy (AGOS)  open (Thales) ►Trainee:  Etienne Vallette d’Osia (Master 2 ISI)  Laurent Vanni (Master 2 ISI) ►Visitors ►Interns

5 4 A cut on First Class Futures Active Objects  Distributed Components  Formalization: ASP Calculus  Specification + Verification (MC)

6 5 Publications & Standards ►From very Theoretical to very Practical:  POPL  FORTE  SPE  ECOOP  OOPSLA  CCPE  IPDPS  EuroPar  IJPP  CCGrid  SuperComputing (SC) ►Official ETSI Standards:  ETSI TC Grid

7 6 6 A ProActive : Active objects Proxy Java Object A ag = newActive (“A”, […], VirtualNode) V v1 = (param); V v2 = (param);...; //Wait-By-Necessity V - Wait-By-Necessity is a Dataflow Synchronization - AO in Shared Memory: NoC JVM A Active Object Future Object Request Req. Queue Thread v1 v2 ag WBN!

8 7 7 First-Class Futures Update

9 8 8 Wait-By-Necessity: First Class Futures ba Futures are Global Single-Assignment Variables V= () c c c.gee (V) v v b

10 9 9 A Groups of Active Objects Typed Group Java or Active Object A ag = newActiveGroup (“A”, […], VirtualNode) V v =;...; //Wait-by-necessity V Group, Type, and Asynchrony are crucial for Cpt. and GRID JVM

11 10 Objects to Distributed Components (1) Typed Group Java or Active Object V A Example of component instance JVM Truly Distributed Components

12 GCM Components (Fractal Based) ►Capturing  Group Communications ►and  Synchronizations ►At the level of interfaces  Multicast and GatherCast

13 GCM + Scopes and Objectives: Grid Codes that Compose and Deploy No programming, No Scripting, … No Pain Innovation: Composite Components Multicast and GatherCast MultiCast GatherCast MxN Direct Communications

14 13 GCM Standardization One of the Outcomes of the Technical Committee on Grid Computing ►Overall, the standardization is supported by industrials:  BT, FT-Orange, Nokia-Siemens, Telefonica,  NEC, Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei …

15 Calculus ASP: Asynchronous Sequential Processes

16 15 (2) ASP: Asynchronous Sequential Processes ►ASP  Confluence and Determinacy Future updates can occur at any time Execution characterized by the order of request senders Determinacy of programs communicating over trees, … ►A strong guide for implementation, checkpointing, Model-Checking, …

17 VerCors: Specification and Verification

18 17 (3) Verification: AO and Futures Body ProxyQueue LFLF Resp … Req… C(c) B P(p) !start ?bind First-Class Future:  In good Progress:  Can remove Dead Locks  Need to add NF part for  Propagation + Update: any Strategy Need for Handling Infinite Behaviors:  E.g.: Request Queues, Topologies  First Proto Behavioral Specification: VerCors  Primitive Behavior with State Machine  Parameterized Hierarchical LTS  Verification+Safe Code Generation  Model Checkable composition Func. NF VerCors framework (UML EMF)

19 18

20 19 ProActive Video 1: Programming+Optimizing

21 20 ProActive Video 2: Scheduling (CPER)

22 21 ProActive Video 3: On Amazon Cloud

23 22 Publications & Standards ►From very Theoretical to very Practical:  POPL  FORTE  SPE  ECOOP  OOPSLA  CCPE  IPDPS  EuroPar  IJPP  CCGrid  SuperComputing (SC) ►Official ETSI Standards:  2 Approved: GCM Deployment & Application (with support from BT, FT-Orange, Nokia-Siemens, Telefonica, NEC, Alcatel-Lucent)  2 Pending: GCM ADL & API

24 23 Conclusion Objectives for the next four years

25 24 Objectives & Scientific Challenges Efficient and Safe, Distributed and Parallel, Middleware&Applications ►Clear Focus: No Operating Systems, No VMs, No JVMs ►We keep investigations with our 3 strongly Intertwined Axes: (1) Active Objects and Distributed Components: Scale, Speed, Safety  E.g. Sterile Requests allowing for aggressive optimizations (ASP proven)  Efficient large scale execution with Asynchrony, Groups, P2P (2) Calculus and Formalisms for Distributed Computing: Machine Proven ASP  Formally prove the confluence of ASP Imperative  Specific Confluence: Stateful and Stateless object for global richer properties (3) Specification/Verification for Distributed Systems: Verification that scales  Real program: Exceptions, Multicast/Gathercast, First Class Futures  Handling Infinite parts of the systems (e.g. Request Queue, Topology)

26 25 Concrete Milestones 2010: ►Safe and efficient execution of Active Objects+Components on 10 000 Cores  Previous objective was stated at 5 000, we did 4 200 in 2008 Grid Plugtests  Demanding: Model + Architecture + Fault-Tolerance + Code + Tools ►Safe Dynamic Reconfiguration of 500 Distributed Components (DAG, then Cycles)  Using Determinacy properties of ASP  Dealing with/Using the Asynchrony of Active Object ►Bridging Active Objects, Distributed Components and SOA:  From Safe Reconfiguration to Safe Adaptability  Enforcement of QoS to respect SLA (HP, Oracle, …) ►Model Checkable composition: Real Industrial Use Case by Non-Specialist  We achieved 16 Components, 5 levels, 10 parameters (CoCoMe benchmarks)  Concrete objective: from Specification to Safe Code Generation (reconfig.)

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