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An Assessment of Psychosocial Services Offered to Children with Physical Disability at African Inland Church, Child Care Centre, Kajiado.

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Presentation on theme: "An Assessment of Psychosocial Services Offered to Children with Physical Disability at African Inland Church, Child Care Centre, Kajiado."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Assessment of Psychosocial Services Offered to Children with Physical Disability at African Inland Church, Child Care Centre, Kajiado.

2 Introduction Children’s psychosocial abilities are developed through interaction with people and their environment. Psychosocial services put an emphasis on strengthening the social environment that nurture children’s healthy psychosocial development at various levels within the institution, family and society. Children with handicaps are not integrated into social life in the fullest extent possible (Berk, 2001)

3 Background Some psychosocial services are limited in Africa. For example there is only one psychiatrist for every 2 million people in developing countries (WHO, 2012). Children with physical disability more likely to have psychosocial challenges due to their physical differences and abilities from other children (Aslam, 2013) Psychosocial incompetent persons may find it hard to make meaningful relationships, gain financial independence and are more likely to be easily manipulated or abused.

4 The Location Children within A.I.C. Child Care Centre

5 Empirical Data The Kenya National Survey of Person’s with Disability (KNSPWD) conducted a nationwide survey in 2008. One of the things the survey gave pointers to some of the psychosocial needs and challenges children with disability face. 70% of the respondents were able to relate with others without any assistance at all. In making household decisions, it was found that 14.2% of 0-14 year olds were consulted when making household decisions while 41.1% reported consultation between the 15-24 year olds. A study done by Bharti and Sharma (2006) showed that children with physical handicap were given opportunities to relate well within the home and had peer relationships.

6 Methodology Case Study Survey design of the physically handicapped children (58). Caregivers purposively selected (9 of 18). Data collection tools included questionnaire, semi structured interview schedule, focus group discussions and service observation checklist. Both qualitative and quantitative data obtained.

7 Findings of Psychosocial Services The Inter Agency Standing Committee Pyramid of Psychosocial Interventions Minimal Adequate Minimal

8 Basic Services and Security Services that are safe, socially appropriate and protect the dignity of the person. Services offered included; Food, shelter, caring caregivers, adequate space for play, flat areas with minimal barriers, safe environment, and formal education. Service areas of improvement Water and Hygiene supplies

9 Community and Family Supports Services that activate social networks and creating supportive child friendly spaces. Services offered included; Sports day, class eight party, field trips, visits by mentors, being involved in the county children’s government and the bible club Service areas of Improvement Access to news through newspaper or television, family support groups and awareness creation for families and the local community

10 Focused, Non-specialized Supports Services offering basic emotional and practical support given to selected individuals or families. Services found included; Visits by mentors, being involved in the county children’s government and the bible club Service areas of improvement; Peer support groups, life skills training and play materials for children and their families

11 Specialized Services These are clinical services offered by mental health professionals. Services present include; Counseling by male social worker Services that can be improved on; Qualified mental health services offered by therapists, psychiatrists and counselors

12 Conclusion Children found to have access to psychosocial services despite the minimal community supports and specialized services. Psychosocial support in the form of love and correction with care given by caregivers and church members meets many psychosocial needs of the children. Training more of caregivers on the basics of psychosocial development and support to be more effective in dealing with psychosocial challenges. Increase of psychosocial materials for play and games. Addition of a female lady capable of giving specialized services such as counselling.

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