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NEXT 15 20 25 510 Anatomy Picture This Picture This Lists Examples 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five.

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9 15 20 25 510 Anatomy Picture This Picture This Lists Examples 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five Team Six

10 Anatomy Question for 5 Points Runners; or specialized stems that branch out horizontally from a parent plant Show Answer

11 Anatomy Answer for 5 Points What are stolons? Back to Board

12 Anatomy Question for 10 Points Elongated, underground stems that are often tuber shaped. Show Answer

13 Anatomy Answer for 10 Points What are rhizomes? Back to Board

14 Anatomy Question for 15 Points Plant plumbing; a channel for water through the plant Show Answer

15 Anatomy Answer for 15 Points What is xylem? Back to Board

16 Anatomy Question for 20 Points Plant cell bodies containing photosynthetic pigments. Show Answer

17 Anatomy Answer for 20 Points What are plastids? Back to Board

18 Anatomy Question for 25 Points The actively growing cells between the bark and the wood. Show Answer

19 Anatomy Answer for 25 Points What is the cambium? Back to Board

20 Picture This! Question for 5 Points Show Answer

21 Picture This! Answer for 5 Points What is a tuber? Back to Board

22 Picture This! Question for 10 Points Show Answer

23 Picture This! Answer for 10 Points What are bulbs? Back to Board

24 Picture This! Question for 15 Points Show Answer

25 Picture This! Answer for 15 Points What is a corm? Back to Board

26 Picture This! Question for 20 Points Show Answer

27 Picture This! Answer for 20 Points What is a nontunicate bulb? Back to Board

28 Picture This! Question for 25 Points Show Answer

29 Picture This! Answer for 25 Points What is asexual reproduction? Back to Board

30 Types of Cloning Question for 5 Points Examples of types include onions and potatoes. Show Answer

31 Types of Cloning Answer for 5 Points What are tubers and bulbs? Back to Board

32 Types of Cloning Question for 10 Points Separation and division are common forms of this type of cloning. Show Answer

33 Types of Cloning Answer for 10 Points What are cuttings? Back to Board

34 Types of Cloning Question for 15 Points Rubber plants and Ivy are commonly propagated using this method. Show Answer

35 Types of Cloning Answer for 15 Points What is layering? Back to Board

36 Types of Cloning Question for 20 Points Cleft, bark and tongue are example of this type of propagation using a stock and scion. Show Answer

37 Types of Cloning Answer for 20 Points Grafting Back to Board

38 Types of Cloning Question for 25 Points This type of cloning originated in France and is also known as “in-vitro.” Show Answer

39 Types of Cloning Answer for 25 Points What is tissue culture? Back to Board

40 Lists Question for 5 Points Nutrition, Timing, Yield and Strength Show Answer

41 Lists Answer for 5 Points What are advantages of plant cloning? Back to Board

42 Lists Question for 10 Points High relative humidity, proper nutrition, age and position of the cutting, season, temperature, and light Show Answer

43 Lists Answer for 10 Points What are environmental factors important in cuttings? Back to Board

44 Lists Question for 15 Points Fewer differentiated tissues, less complex, smaller, multiple totipotent cells, natural occurence Show Answer

45 Lists Answer for 15 Points What are some things that make plant cells easier to clone than animal cells? Back to Board

46 Lists Question for 20 Points Disease spread & susceptibility, cost, time, reliance on humans and ethics Show Answer

47 Lists Answer for 20 Points What are disadvantages to cloning? Back to Board

48 Lists Question for 25 Points Golden Rice, Flavr Savr Tomatoes, Bt Corn Show Answer

49 Lists Answer for 25 Points What are examples of mutations that brought new plant varieties? Back to Board

50 Examples Question for 5 Points Winter, a time of dormancy for hardwood species Show Answer

51 Examples Answer for 5 Points What is an example of a good time to take hardwood cuttings? Back to Board

52 Examples Question for 10 Points Gladiolus Show Answer

53 Examples Answer for 10 Points What is an example of a plant that has corms? Back to Board

54 Examples Question for 15 Points Bermuda Grass Show Answer

55 Examples Answer for 15 Points What is an example of a grass that is propagated by rhizomes? Back to Board

56 Examples Question for 20 Points Asparagus Show Answer

57 Examples Answer for 20 Points What is an example of a plant grown specifically for the male? Back to Board

58 Examples Question for 25 Points 60-80 Show Answer

59 Examples Answer for 25 Points What is an example of an ideal relative humidity for plant cuttings? Back to Board

60 Show Question

61 Final Jeopardy The natural process after which humans began to model, enhance, explore and develop cloning techniques? Show Answer 302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321

62 Final Jeopardy Answer for Big Points Asexual Reproduction Back to Board

63 Big Board Facts © 2010 Jeff Ertzberger All rights reserved. All Clipart copyright– All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of the author. For even more template games and great resources visit: By using this game you are agreeing to our terms of use.terms of use End

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