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British Columbia Provincial School for the Deaf Burnaby School District School Based Pro D May 19, 2015 Building Thinking Classrooms.

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1 British Columbia Provincial School for the Deaf Burnaby School District School Based Pro D May 19, 2015 Building Thinking Classrooms


3 Logic Links Activity Use the clues to complete the array in the correct sequence.

4 Thinking About the Deep Structures of School Think of teaching as something we do with students - not to students.

5 1. Teaching as telling

6 2. Curriculum as coverage of facts and skills.

7 3. Students as dependent.

8 4. Lessons directly linked with learning goals.

9 5. Instructional strategies as a bag of tricks.

10 6. Assessment as what comes at the end to see who got it.

11 7. Classroom management as a synonym for control.

12 8. Fair as treating everyone alike.

13 Use Any Operation Activity 5 7 2 8 Combine any or all of these digits, using any operations (+, -, x, ÷) to create the numbers 1 through 30.

14 Flow Theory

15 D. I. E. Activity 1. Describe observe - think like a camera… tell me only what you can actually see 2. Interpret (what do you think about what you see?) put all the items you observed together… What can you conclude? What does it make you think of? What does it make you wonder? 3.Evaluate What does it make you feel? (about what you think - positive or negative) What feelings do you think the photographer is trying to invoke? Does it connect to anything in your personal life or experiences ?

16 Feedback The most powerful single innovation that enhances achievement is feedback. Robert Marzano


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