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A Guide to Beginners Italian Phoebe Johnston Dr. Betts LRC 320.

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Presentation on theme: "A Guide to Beginners Italian Phoebe Johnston Dr. Betts LRC 320."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Guide to Beginners Italian Phoebe Johnston Dr. Betts LRC 320

2 Ciao a Tutti! (Hello everyone!) Welcome to your one-stop source for learning the basics of Italian. Here I will give a beginners course of the language including salutations, numbers, colors, articles, etc.

3 Step 1: Le Base (The Basics) Italian WordEnglish TranslationPronunciation SìYes See No Per favorePlease Per fav-o-ray GrazieThank youGrats-yay ArrivederciGoodbye Ar-ree-va-dayr-chee PregoYoure welcome Pray-go CiaoHello Chow Buon giornoHello, good day Bwon jorno Buona notteGoodnight Bwona not-tay

4 Step 2: I Numeri (Numbers) NumberItalian WordPronunciation 1UnoOono 2DueDo-ay 3TreTray 4QuattroKwat-tro 5CinqueCheen-kway 6Seisay 7SetteSet-tay 8OttoOt-to 9NoveNo-vay 10DieciDee-ay-chee

5 Step 3: Giorni della Settimana (Days of the Week) Day of the WeekItalian WordPronounciation MondaylunedìLoon-a-dee TuesdayMartedìMar-ta-dee WednesdayMercoledìMer-cole-la-dee ThursdayGiovedìJoe-va-dee FridayVenerdìVen-er-dee SaturdaySabatoSa-ba-toe SundayDomenicaDoe-meen-ee-ka

6 Step 4: I Colori (Colors) ColorItalian WordPronunciation RedRossoRoss-oh OrangeArancioneA-ranch-oh-ne Yellow GialloJa-low GreenVerdeVerr-de BlueBluBlue PurpleViolaVee-oh-la BiancoBee-onk-oh NeroNerr-oh Learn more about colors!

7 Step 5: Gli Articoli (Articles: The & A) ArticlesMeaningPronounciation IlThe (masculine)eel LaThe (feminine)la UnA (masculine)oon UnaA (feminine)oona Una pizza= A pizza Un treno= A train La pizza= The pizza Il treno= The train

8 Grazie!

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