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How To Generate Injury and Illness Illinois-OSHA Recordkeeping Forms Through iCE.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Generate Injury and Illness Illinois-OSHA Recordkeeping Forms Through iCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Generate Injury and Illness Illinois-OSHA Recordkeeping Forms Through iCE

2 Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Within this presentation you will find: 1.Definitions of: OSHA 300 Log, 300 A Summary and 301 Incident Form 2.Criteria on Determining Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses 3.Illinois-OSHA Reportable Incident Requirements 4.Directions on how to generate: 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses 300A Summary 301 Form 5.Directions on how to edit and manage your OSHA Recordables.

3 OSHA 300 Form Log The OSHA 300 Form is used to classify work-related injuries and illnesses and to note the extent and severity of each case. When an incident occurs, use the Log to record specific details about what happened and how it happened. Employers are required to maintain this document for the current year, plus the previous five years.

4 OSHA 300A Summary The OSHA 300A Summary is a separate form from the OSHA 300 form. Form 300A shows the totals for the year in each category of the 300 Log. At the end of the year, post the OSHA 300A Summary in a visible location so that your employees are aware of the injuries and illnesses occurring in their workplace. The Summary should be posted, in a centralized location and available for review, from February 1 through April 30. Employers must keep a Log (OSHA log) for each establishment or site. If you have more than one establishment, you must keep a separate Log for each physical location that is expected to be in operation for one year or longer.

5 5 301 Incident Form This form or an equivalent* must be completed when a recordable work-related injury or illness has occurred. This form provides detailed information regarding the specific incident. It is used to supplement the information within the 300 Log and 300 A Summary. Within 7 calendar days of notification of a recordable incident you must complete this or an equivalent form. *The Illinois Employers First Report of Injury Form can be used in place of the 301 Incident Form.

6 Recordable Injuries and Illnesses Recordable Incidents Work-Related Injury or Illnesses must be Recorded on the 300 Log that result in: –Death –Loss of consciousness –Days away from work –Restricted work activity or job transfer, or –Medical Treatment beyond first aid –Significant work-related injury or illness that is diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional. –Additional Criteria Needle-stick injury or cut from a sharp object that is contaminated with another person’s blood or other potentially infectious material. A case requiring an employee to be medically removed from the workplace under the requirements of an OSHA health standard. Tuberculosis infection as evidenced by a positive skin test or diagnosis by a physician or other licensed health care professional after exposure to a known case of active tuberculosis. An employees hearing test (audiogram) reveals… 1) the employee has experienced a Standard Threshold Shift (STS) in hearing in one or both ears averaged at 2000, 3000 and 4000Hz and 2) the employee’s total hearing level is 25 decibels (dB) or more above audiometric zero (also averaged at 2000, 3000, and 4000HZ)

7 7 Reportable Injuries &Illnesses Illnesses You must report the following to ILLINOIS-OSHA within the time frame specified: Report the following to ILLINOIS-OSHA within 8 hours: The death of any employee as a result of a work-related incident. Report the following to ILLINOIS- OSHA within 24 hours: The in-patient hospitalization of one or more employees as a result of a work-related incident. An employees amputation as a result of a work related incident. An employees loss of eye as a result of a work related incident The employer of any employees so affected by the above mentioned incidents shall orally report the fatality/hospitalization/incident to ILLINOIS-OSHA by using the 24/7 Telephone Notification at 800-782-7860 or 217-782-7860.

8 To Generate your Illinois-OSHA Recordkeeping Forms: Select OSHA Tab Select Forms

9 To Build Forms: Input Incident Date ranges Select Form type to generate: 300 Log, 300 A summary or Form 301 Select Go button Can also Export data in Excel

10 Review Documents for Accuracy Review each document for accuracy. Ensure privacy cases are properly identified. Future slides define privacy and how to designate privacy cases. Ensure that each document only reflects Work-Related Recordable Injuries and Illnesses.

11 Form 300 Auditor The Auditor tool is helpful to use to identify potential errors that require editing. The report can be run to identify Errors and Warnings of edits that are needed.

12 The definition of a Privacy Case - Within the application, you will find help boxes for questions that you might encounter. Additional information is available to you by clicking on the blue circle with a white question mark.

13 To Edit Information: After reviewing the generated forms, you might need to edit or change information within the documents. Go to the Incidents option within the OSHA Tab.

14 To Edit Reports: Set parameters (Search Filters) of reports that you would like to review Please note the types of queries that can be utilized to build the parameters Select the GO button Information can also be Exported in Excel

15 Incident list is populated, select the entry that you would like to edit by clicking on the pencil icon, such as FLCLAIMZZZZ,TEST.

16 Individual Incident Record Editing: Users can make edits in the separate Incident Data Tab, OSHA Form 300 Log and OSHA Form 301 Tabs. Common changes that are made include: Changing the Record-ability status. Edit/update Information (injury description, job title and where the event occurred.) Calculate Days Away, Restricted/Transferred for the injured worker. Designate an Incident as a privacy case. Individual Incident Record Editing: Users can make edits in the separate Incident Data Tab, OSHA Form 300 Log and OSHA Form 301 Tabs. Common changes that are made include: Changing the Record-ability status. Edit/update Information (injury description, job title and where the event occurred.) Calculate Days Away, Restricted/Transferred for the injured worker. Designate an Incident as a privacy case. To Make Edits

17 To Calculate Lost or Restricted Time, Select the “Add a Lost Time Record” button. Use the calendar function to identify Last Worked Date, Returned to Work Restricted or Returned to Work Unrestricted Dates. Programming will automatically add lost/restricted calendar days. To edit an existing entry click on the icon.

18 Additional Resources: Can be found within the OSHA Tab, under the Resources heading. Included are training resources and links to OSHA’s Rules and Regulations.

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