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Lesson 36 I have a headache.. have a headache have a fever.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 36 I have a headache.. have a headache have a fever."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 36 I have a headache.


3 have a headache

4 have a fever

5 have a stomachache

6 have a toothache

7 have a sore throat

8 feel sick

9 feet hurt

10 Healthy problems headache toothache stomachache sore throat feet hurt have a fever feel sick

11 3 6 4 1 5 2

12 I have a stomachache. I have a toothache. My feet hurt. I have a headache. I feel sick. I have a sore throat. Drink some hot water and lemon at night. Take some medicine. Buy some new tennis shoes. Go to the dentist. Eat more slowly. Take an aspirin.


14 Problems Advice Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 What’s wrong with them? Her eyes hurt. He has a fever. She can’t sleep. His chest hurts. Don’t watch TV all day. Don’t go to school. Don’t drink coffee. Don’t smoke.

15 What’s the matter ? Want’s up ? Are you okay? What’s wrong with you? Summary : I have a …… She / he has a….. 询问某人身体情况 : 给某人意见或建议时: Don’t + 动词原形 + 其它 动词原形 + 其它。 祈使句:肯定: 否定:

16 Exercise: 根据上下文补全对话。 Tom is ill. He is in the hospital. Doctor : Good morning. ____________________? Tom : I _______ a headache. Doctor : Open your mouth and say “Ah”. Tom : Ahh! Doctor : Nothing serious, I think. You’ve got a cold. Tom : ________________________, doctor ? Doctor : My advice is that you’d better _________at home and ______________________three times a day. Tom : Thank you, doctor. What’s up have stay What should I do take some medicine

17 Group work: 情景对话 : 请各组同学选择一个情景(可以在家,在学校或者是在医院等)。 一名同学扮演病人表演出自己身体不适的情况,组内其他同学 扮演其他不同的角色为他提供一些好的建议或意见并 表演。


19 Homework : Make a dialogue to ask about a person’s healthy problems and then give him or her some good advice.


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