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ORGANISATION OF EASTERN CARIBBEAN STATES Hydrographic Assessment in the OECS- Phase One Asha Singh, PhD Head- Oceans Governance Commission for Organisation.

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Presentation on theme: "ORGANISATION OF EASTERN CARIBBEAN STATES Hydrographic Assessment in the OECS- Phase One Asha Singh, PhD Head- Oceans Governance Commission for Organisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORGANISATION OF EASTERN CARIBBEAN STATES Hydrographic Assessment in the OECS- Phase One Asha Singh, PhD Head- Oceans Governance Commission for Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Mr. Samuel Harper Projects Manger United Kingdom Hydrographic Organisation

2 Background Antigua and Barbuda OECS Authority UKHO and Commonwealth Field Work National reports Consolidated Report

3 Project Endeavours Hydrographic Assessment – Capacity, Needs/Gaps, challenges, recommendations Priority areas for resurveying Moving towards Hydrographic Entity Marine Spatial Data management

4 Summary of findings that have affected the final proposal: Data deficiency Spatial data management capability varies hugely General lack of formal hydro governance – Does not necessarily mean that functional MSI infrastructure is not in place Huge variance in traffic density and type Geodetic control networks generally in a poor state Data ownership a key concern of member states Key Findings

5 The proposal has three key work streams: Spatial data management and infrastructure Data gathering Regional hydrographic governance Both work streams include: Training/CB Contractor support Mentoring Structure of the Proposal The proposal is designed to be modular

6 Prioritisation of Areas – GIS Risk Based – 2 stage approach 1.Relationship between traffic density and depth (= Environmental Likelihood (EL) 2.Relationship between EL and Source Data Quality Data Gathering

7 Prioritisation of Areas – Local Input Based upon local knowledge of shipping activity – present and future Areas split into high priority (order 1a) and lower (order 1b) Two methods compared and adjusted as required Data Gathering

8 3 Phased Approach 1.Remote sensing for reconnaissance, bottom type and water quality analysis + installation of tide gauges and geodetic control 2.Re assessment of survey priorities + Lidar campaign to complete at least order 1b areas. 3.Focused order 1a MBES surveys in high priority areas (including backscatter) Data Gathering

9 Key Elements Each state will have a central data repository The platform will be common The repository will be operated by the government department that is most suitable Each repository will feed a centralised geo index or hub at the OECS The OECS will be responsible for passing geoindex updates to various regional geospatial data initiatives PCA will have separate bilateral arrangements for data sharing Spatial Data Management

10 OECS GeoIndex Hub National Maritime Spatial Data Repository Caribbean Marine Atlas MEIP Other regional spatial data initiatives

11 Regional Hydrographic Governance OECS Hydrographic Council NHO or NHC OECS Ocean Governance Team MACHC PCA (UKHO)

12 Improving Hydrographic Governance Validation IHO Council of Ministers-Environment -COMES Martinique –French Department OECS Hydrographic Group OECS Member States-MACHC

13 Complimentary Synergistic Activities Research Governance

14 Complimentary Synergistic Activities and Partnership University of the West Indies Caribbean Marine Large Ecosystem Project Marine Monitoring and Forecasting

15 Complimentary Synergistic Activities Blue Economy

16 Complimentary Synergistic Activities Marine Spatial Planning

17 Climate Change and Hydrography COP 21 SGDs Goal 14 Aichi Targets – Convention on Biological Sendai Agreement

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