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IGFOAMaui  YourGovernment GOVERNMENT STATUS UPDATE Island Government Finance Officers’ Association (IGFOA) Winter Meeting, December 1-3, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "IGFOAMaui  YourGovernment GOVERNMENT STATUS UPDATE Island Government Finance Officers’ Association (IGFOA) Winter Meeting, December 1-3, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 IGFOAMaui  YourGovernment GOVERNMENT STATUS UPDATE Island Government Finance Officers’ Association (IGFOA) Winter Meeting, December 1-3, 2015

2 IGFOAMaui  AUDIT RESULTS THROUGH FY2014 www.domain.com2 INSERT YOUR GOVERNMENT’S NAME Debbie Milks11/12/2015 PLEASE FILL IN YOUR OWN DATA! You can get all this data from your AFTER analysis in the Performeter. Let me know if you need help with the graph. My example goes through 2012, but please include FY 2013 & 2014.

3 IGFOAMaui  December 2015 Winter Conference3 FY 14 Audit Status Provide the completion date of your audit. Text… List the qualifications you received. Describe any changes from prior years. Text… List at least two or three challenges you faced during the course of the audit. Text…

4 IGFOAMaui  December 2015 Winter Conference4 FY 15 Audit Status Describe the current status of your FY15 audit. Text… Describe any expected changes in your qualifications and findings from prior years. Text… List at least two or three challenges you expect during the course of the audit. Text… Debbie Milks 11/12/15 Have the auditors been engaged? When do you expect to give them your trial balance? Do you anticipate a timely completion of the audit?

5 IGFOAMaui  December 2015 Winter Conference5 Federal Programs: Communicating On-Island Describe the formal training or outreach your office has provided or coordinated in the last 6 months. Describe future plans for outreach. Text… Describe the types of interactions between finance office and federal programs staffs. Text… What changes (if any) has your office made with regards to management of federal grants under the new omnibus super-circular? Text… Debbie Milks 11/12/15 In the three boxes, describe how you have advanced the training and implementation of the Uniform Grant Guidance and other grant related issues

6 IGFOAMaui  December 2015 Winter Conference6 Employee Outreach Describe below any employee training, staff meetings, retreats or other employee related initiatives your office has held in the last year. List training has your office provided or coordinated for your employees. Text… How often do you meet with your staff? Text… How often do you complete regular performance reviews and/or formal mentoring activities? Text… What changes have been made to new employee initiation or cross- training? Text… Describe the results of any employee satisfaction surveys you may have conducted and follow up actions. Text…

7 IGFOAMaui  December 2015 Winter Conference7 Performance Measures Timeliness of Bank Recons Fixed Asset Inventory # days to Process an Invoice Collection of outstanding advances Federal Grant Receivables Status of 9-30 bank reconciliations Physical inventory completed at 9-30? Average days to process an invoice FY14 % of advances outstanding over 90 days at 9-30 Ratio of receivables to revenues for FY14 Any bank recon findings on the audit? Any fixed asset findings on the audit? What is your target # days?Change from previous year? Compare to previous years Improvement plan? Completion plan? Improvement plan? Debbie Milks11/12/2015 There may not be time for you to read off all the results of your performance measures. However, please fill in the data using the performance measure dashboard and be prepared to describe your plans to improve and/or maintain your performance results.

8 IGFOAMaui  December 2015 Winter Conference8 Performance Measures What other performance measure(s) would you propose for the finance operations? Text… Describe how you use your performance measures. Be sure to include use for IGFOA meetings, discussions with staff, when you report measures to leaders, etc. Text…

9 IGFOAMaui  December 2015 Winter Conference9 What is one finance office accomplishment this year would you like to highlight ? Debbie Milks11/12/2015 Use this opportunity to share some initiative, training, process improvement and/or improved results with your colleagues, the Grad School and OIA.

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