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Welcome to FIRST GRADE
First Grade Team Anna Levy Dana McCullagh Meredith Martin Maria Moussa
Jill Keller
ATTENDANCE The school day is from 7:55-2:55
The earliest students may be dropped off is 7:30. First Graders arriving early to school will be seated in the cafeteria until 7:50. Students are considered tardy after 7:55. After 3 tardies, parents will be notified by the classroom teacher. At 5 tardies a letter from the school counselor goes home.
1st Grade Curriculum Comprehensive Literacy Math Science
The philosophy of the 1st grade teachers at Green Elementary is to integrate all content areas within our comprehensive, balanced literacy and math programs. Comprehensive Literacy Shared Reading, Poetry, Big Books, Technology Based Stories, Independent Reading, Paired Reading, Guided Reading. Math Science Social Studies
Reading at an “APPROPRIATE” level:
“When readers move to levels too far above their current grade level, the content often becomes developmentally inappropriate.” “There is probably a limit to how far up the levels you want to take readers at any point in time.” “It is unwise to encourage readers to read ‘harder’ books just so they can say they can do it.”
READ to/with your child for 10 minutes every night!
Reading at Home Making sure students are reading “just right books” when reading independently at home. Read harder books (chapter books) to your child if they want to read chapter books, but might not be ready. Double check for comprehension of what was read. READ to/with your child for 10 minutes every night!
Spelling/Word Work/Chunks
Students will be given a set of chunks, and 3 high frequency words to learn each week. Students work on creating words with the chunks throughout the week. “Spell Check” on Fridays See video explanation on First Grade Webpage!
Spelling/Word Work/Chunks Continued
Spelling Tests will be on Fridays. Teachers will call out 3 words for EACH spelling chunk. Dictation sentence will be added to spelling test sometime in October. Only a small portion of students’ spelling grade will actually come from spelling tests. Teachers continually look at each students’ use of spelling strategies within their everyday writing.
Math Numerical fluency, conceptual understanding, and problem solving.
Hands-on, concrete experiences Learning addition &Subtraction Facts Using flash cards at home to help
Science & Social Studies
Science Day is every Friday Hands-on experiments using scientific process Science & Social Studies integrated with reading & writing.
Parent/Teacher Communication
Take Home Folder– The folder will include a Communication Report, student work, and important notes & forms. Please check this folder and clean it out daily. You must initial the Communication Report daily. Thursday Folders – a school wide folder will be sent home every week. This folder contains school notes & forms, and PTA news & information. Please check this folder every Thursday and return it to school on Friday!
Parent/Teacher Communication (Cont…)
– Please do not hesitate to your child’s teacher with any questions, concerns, or other comments. Because we have such a busy day interacting with the kids, we are seldom at our computers during the school day. Although we may not be able to you back with an immediate response, we promise to return your mail within 24 hours. Because we may not have the opportunity to check our during the school day, we ask that you send a note or call the school when dismissal plans change .
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be scheduled once the year is underway and all beginning-of-the-year testing (IStation, MClass) is complete. Typically conferences will take place toward the middle-end of October. If needed, we will meet again in the Spring. If at any time you feel that a conference is necessary, please contact your child’s teacher to schedule a time to visit and discuss your questions and/or concerns.
Green’s Plan for Success
(GPS) School wide behavior management system. Students are rewarded for being Ready, Respectful, and/or Responsible throughout the common areas of the school. Students earn tickets, and the class earns a reward each time the goal for a ticket quantity is met.
Lunch You are welcome to eat lunch with your child for a special occasion. You and your child may “dine” on the stage, but we ask that your child not invite any friends to join you unless accompanied by their parent(s). Lunch money should be placed in a labeled envelope and turned in to the cafeteria before school begins. Healthy lunches are the best!
Snacks Your child will have a quick snack every day after specials. Please send something healthy with your child to help him/her “re-fuel”. Please send classroom friendly, finger food items for your child. (No yogurt, pudding cups, juice boxes, etc.) Due to various severe allergies, peanuts and any food containing nuts will not be allowed.
Birthdays We love to celebrate your child’s birthday. However; due to school policy and state nutritional guidelines, we do not celebrate with food items. Birthdays may be celebrated by passing out pencils, stickers, or other appropriate favors. Because we feel that birthdays are VERY important, we will make a BIG deal about your child’s big day. The birthday boy/girl will be on morning announcements with the principal! Birthday party invitations may be passed out only if ALL boys or All girls are invited to the party.
Dismissal Please send a note or contact the school if your child is going home any way that is different from their normal routine. Because your child’s safety is our #1 priority, we will not let your child go home a different way without a phone call or a note. Any last minute changes to your child’s normal routine need to be communicated with the Green office. If your child is a walker, please make sure to pick them up, and then head to a designated “rest” area away from the rest of the 1st grade group to wait for older siblings. This is to help the dismissal process run smoothly for those students still waiting for their ride.
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