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Increasing Student Achievement. Are library media programs impactful? Over the last several decades there have been over 70 studies on the impact of school.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing Student Achievement. Are library media programs impactful? Over the last several decades there have been over 70 studies on the impact of school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing Student Achievement

2 Are library media programs impactful? Over the last several decades there have been over 70 studies on the impact of school library media programs on student achievement. Results from previous studies and several recent ones show similar findings.

3 What the studies are showing “the highest achieving students attend schools with good school libraries.”(Baughman, 2000) “the impact of school library programs is more pronounced proportionally for Writing than Reading scores…For Writing, students with access to libraries that have more of all of these resources are, in most cases, two to five times more likely to score Advanced than students without well-resourced libraries” (Lance, & Schwarz, 2012).

4 What the studies are showing School library programs are a valuable component of a child’s education because they help a child achieve (Baughman, 2000). Investing in a quality school library media program will increase student achievement. This is a great return on the money invested assessment scores rise and students with the ability to understand and use information graduate (Baxter & Smalley, 2003).

5 MS Impact Test Scores Despite Outside Variables “Generally, these patterns were found for All students as well as students who are Economically Disadvantaged, Black, and Hispanic and who have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). In other words, these findings cannot be explained away by such socio-economic or demographic factors” (Lance, & Schwarz, 2012).

6 Additional Findings Rich curriculum-centered collections boost learning. Information technology delivering information to the desktop of the learner enhances learning.

7 Library Media Programs: Teach every learner to become effective users of ideas and information Build capable and avid readers Prepare learners to compete in the information age Partner with teachers to create exciting learning experiences

8 Strong Library Media Programs have: A competent library media professional The human interface Paraprofessional staff Organization/service functions Technical staff Technology support for the school

9 Strong Library Media Specialists: Promote reading Collaborate with teachers to build quality learning experiences Teach information literacy (finding, using, and communicating information effectively). (Idaho for Libraries, 2010)

10 Overall Results Test scores can be expected to be 10- 20% higher than in schools without a strong library media program.

11 Conculsion School library media programs increase student achievement. While building a strong library media program can be costly and time consuming the overall impact on students makes it a wise investment.

12 References Baughman, J. C. (2000, October). School libraries and MCAS scores. Presentation delivered at a symposium MCAS and school libraries: making the connection, Boston, MA. Retrieved from Paper.pdf Baxter, S. J., & Smalley, A. W. Institute of Museum and Library Services, Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). (2003). Check it out! the results of the school library media program census. Retrieved from website: Idaho Commission of Libraries (2010). Idaho School Library Impact Study - 2009: How Idaho Librarians, Teachers, and Administrators Collaborate for Student Success. Retrieved from: ?isShared=False&fid=99003&tid=494469&ou=235367 Iowa Area Education Agencies (2002). Making the Connection: Quality School Library Media Programs Impact Academic Achievement in Iowa. Retrieved from: Lance, K.C., Rodney, M.J., & Hamilton-Pennell, C. (2001). Good schools have school librarians: Oregon school librarians collaborate to improve academic achievement. Retrieved from Lance, K.C., & Schwarz, B. (2012). How pennsylvania school libraries pay off: Investments in student achievement and academic standards. Retrieved from

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