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1 Working with Canadian Census Microdata Martine Grenier and Mokili Mbuluyo Census Operations Division, Statistics Canada December 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Working with Canadian Census Microdata Martine Grenier and Mokili Mbuluyo Census Operations Division, Statistics Canada December 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Working with Canadian Census Microdata Martine Grenier and Mokili Mbuluyo Census Operations Division, Statistics Canada December 2007

2 2 Overview  Introduction  General content of a Census microdata file  Census metadata  Production plan

3 3 Introduction  Census information has been made available in standard products (profiles, highlights…), custom tabulations and public use microdata files  Following 2001 consultations, the need to have access to census microdata files was required to do more in-depth analysis (ie. modeling, regressions..)  The census data is the most fundamental source of information regarding Canadian society.

4 4 1. Content of the Census microdata file A unique file: with links between the 4 universes Microdata file IndividualsFamilyHouseholdsDwellings

5 5  Sample size:  100 % of the 2B questionnaire (long form).  Represents 1/5 of the Canadian population.  Population includes:  Canadian citizens  Permanent residents  Non-permanent residents (refugees, students, work permits )  Population excluded:  Institutional residents (collective dwellings: hospitals, correctional centres)  Foreign residents (foreign visitors, diplomatic bodies)  Some Indian Reserves and Northen Communities  Content of Microdata file varies over census years 1. Content of the Census microdata file (cont…)

6 6 1. Content of the Census microdata file (Cont…)  Geography  Census Tract level for urban areas. A C.T. usually has a population of 2,500 to 8,000.  CSD level for rural areas  Variables  2B variables (from the questionnaire, long form)  Public derives (certified, complex and popular) Examples: Loinc (low income), Age, SecGrad (Schooling)

7 7 Reference tools provide information on every aspect of the census population. The 2001 Census metadata includes:  Codebooks  2001 Census Dictionary  Census Handbook  2001 Sampling and Weighting Census Technical Report  2001 Census Quality Confidentiality  Geography Suppression Files (Excel) 2. Census Metadata

8 8 2. Census Metadata (cont…)  Unweighted - Confidential  Weighted - Public (Excel spreadsheet)  Variable List - Public (2001 Census) 1) Codebook

9 9  Provides definitions for all the concepts, variables and geographic terms of the 2001 Census.  Describes all census universes (individuals, families, households, dwellings)  Emphasizes major variable changes  List of new variables and terms 2. Census Metadata (cont…) 2) Census Dictionnary

10 10 2. Census Metadata (cont…) 3) Census Handbook  Offers a complete overview of every phase of the census, from content determination to data dissemination with a focus on the changes that have occurred since last census.

11 11  Provide data quality indicators attached to each standard geographic area. 2. Census Metadata 4) Geography Suppression Files (Excel)

12 12 3. Production plan  Census 2001, June 2007 (done)  Census 1996, November 2007 (done)  Census 2006, end of summer 2008  Census 1991, to be determined

13 13 Thank you!

14 14 Questions? ---------------------------------------------------------- Information : Census Client Services Microdata and Analytical unit e-mail:

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