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The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development Torsten Rødel Berg, Phd, Senior Research Internationalization Adviser Dept. of Agroecology,

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Presentation on theme: "The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development Torsten Rødel Berg, Phd, Senior Research Internationalization Adviser Dept. of Agroecology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development Torsten Rødel Berg, Phd, Senior Research Internationalization Adviser Dept. of Agroecology, Aarhus University EFARD, 24 November 2015, Bruxelles

2 AGRINATURA is a grouping of European universities and research organizations with a common interest in supporting agricultural development in a sustainable manner in order to improve people’s lives.

3 Joining forces for agricultural knowledge for development Agrinatura was created in 2009 by NATURA and ECART  Some 2000 development- oriented researchers  30 member organisations  17 countries

4 What unites us…  Recognition of need for more effective linkages between farmers and producer associations and research and extension + policy  Need for more investment in research, education and innovation in the Global South  Sustainable agriculture – agri-food systems, climate smart approaches

5 Reflecting EU and global research agendas SCAR and SDC alignment: Food first focus, based on sustainable agriculture: Global interactions as regards climate effects, access to resources, technological, biological and social resilience Knowledge systems with more emphasis on research and higher education as creators and co-creators of development relevant knowledge.

6 A vibrant European agricultural research area with sufficient critical mass to meet the common global challenges, in partnership with developing and emerging economy countries. Our Vision

7 1.Policy advocacy for agricultural research and education for development / support & advice to policy making at European level 2.Strategic alliances, partnerships and networks with stakeholders in development 3.Joint (north-south) participation in European / international programmes and projects 4.Unlock synergy/capitalise on added value of collective action vested in member organisations Four strategic goals

8 Activities, Goal 1. Policy advocacy  contribution to Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD)  Contribution to Global Conference on Higher Education in Africa (GCHERA), Forum for Agric Research in Africa (FARA) GA  Representation of European research and education stakeholders at EFARD, Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA) etc.  Liaison with DG research, DG Devco (Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation), advocating for ARD, advocacy at the EU Parliament level

9 Activities, Goal 2: Strategic alliances, partnerships & networks  Other regional ARD platforms, part. RUFORUM  World Farmers Organisation  Tropical Agriculture Platform partner  Tropentag: Goettingen 2012, Hohenheim 2013, Prague 2014, Berlin 2015

10 Activities, goal 3: Joint programmes and projects, examples  PAEPARD (Platform for African-European Partnerships on Agricultural Research for Development)  CGIAR Monitoring  FARMAF – Farm Risk Management for Africa: EU financed, Agrinatura Implemented  Academic partnerships with focus on capacity building: Edulink, Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus + -Joint master and PhD courses at the European level (AgrisMundus, Agtrain);AgrisMundusAgtrain - ALFABET scholarships - ASK Asia - Trainings organized with Ruforum and Anafe

11 Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS)  Funded by EC, jointly implemented Tropical Agriculture Platform (FAO - TAP) Agrinatura project – 2015-2018  Goal of making agricultural innovation systems more efficient in meeting the demands of farmers, agri-business and consumers  Activities: Capacity development interventions for selected agricultural innovation partnerships  Countries: Angola, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Laos, Guatemala, Honduras

12 Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) Progress:  Agrinatura-FAO agreement signed  TAP CD-AIS Common Framework developed  Country teams established (Agrinatura, FAO, National Coordinator/Manager),  Scoping studies near completion (8 countries)  National Inception workshops started (Nov 15- Feb 16;)  Needs assessment planned (Jan-June 2016)

13 ProIntensAfrica  Not Agrinatura project, but Coordination and Support Action CSA by (many) Agrinatura members and African ARD landscape (FARA).  Consortium of 23 countries in Africa and Europe  Identifies pathways to Sustainable Intensification of African Agri-food systems  7 Work packages, paving the way for Joint Programs, ERA-NETs and potential new funding instruments

14 ProIntensAfrica Progress: H2020 CALL: SUSTAINABLE FOOD SECURITY – RESILIENT AND RESOURCE- EFFICIENT VALUE CHAINS  ERA-NET Cofund: EU-Africa Research and Innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture – DL Feb 2016


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