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Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Climate Change in National Poverty Reduction & Development Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Climate Change in National Poverty Reduction & Development Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Climate Change in National Poverty Reduction & Development Strategies

2 Defining The Challenge l Although there is some progress, BD and CC not well represented globally in PRSPs (in Viet Nam CPRGS), UNDAFs, other poverty reduction & development strategies

3 n Where considered, focus is on MDG 7 n Internationally, separate processes: IPCC, CBD n Some move on CC, but concerns not translated into actions What is Happening Internationally?

4 It is Our (the Environmental Community’s) Fault n The environmental community for too long has focused on the problems & on playing the blame game n The perception that saving BD or reducing the impact of CC is at the cost of development and involves reducing growth is the worst enemy of conservation actions n WE have failed to show how good environmental practice and development can work together

5 How can we make sure our voice is heard? n The key is to show how actions that save BD, adapt to and mitigate CC, contribute to, can be a catalyst for, growth and poverty reduction n We need to present the evidence to and use the language of the growth and development community: in Vietnam the targets are MoF, MPI, PM’s Office, PPCs

6 Actions to Sustain Ecosystems & Reduce Poverty n Analyse how CC adaptation and BD conservation contribute to poverty reduction n Show the economic benefits of BD and CC actions, based on long-term strategies n Link national and global environmental assets to the livelihoods of the poor

7 Actions to Sustain Ecosystems & Reduce Poverty (2) n Link to actions in key growth sectors such as tourism, industry, agriculture n Demonstrate how to move from growth at any cost to a balance between growth, equity and sustainability

8 Our Challenge: to all dance to the same tune!

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