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The National Initiative. The national strategy for developing and interconnecting all public administration’s systems in order to offer fully operational.

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Presentation on theme: "The National Initiative. The national strategy for developing and interconnecting all public administration’s systems in order to offer fully operational."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Initiative

2 The national strategy for developing and interconnecting all public administration’s systems in order to offer fully operational end-to-end e-services for citizens and companies. Our vision: Romania will be regional leader and major european (Top 3) actor in e-Government Interactions: -Information -Fill/send/receive forms -Taxes Key indicator: TIME!

3 Citizens/Companies  Save time  Save money  No more standing in front of the desk  24x7  Online payments  Standard forms  Automatic routing  Track and trace Public administration  Most efficient investment  Anti corruption  Save money (-35%)  Increase revenues (+25%)  Simplified procedures  Standardization of processes  Trained public servants Key benefits

4 Interactions: -Fill/send/receive forms -Information -Taxes

5 Starting point The “islands” The “running” citizen

6 Public administrations are working togehter Their systems do not!

7 1 institution 2 non-compatible systems!!

8 A new system: -Initial DB duplicates data -Divergent evolutions!

9 ?? Ad-hoc, inefficient interconnections

10 eRomania central engine

11 Exchanging information Systems’ cooperation National Registries

12 eForms eForm’s cycle The DataBox

13 The eForm is “running” instead of the citizen!

14 The source of truth Access rights 1. Sync via app 2. Sync via SC In the future: Redefine app Restructure BD Local flavour

15 eCitizeneSMEeHealtheEducation eJusticeeTurismeCultureeEnvironment eStatisticseAgriculture ePublic Servant eAssociative eRo 1 eServices

16 Online form Filling the form at the front desk By mail Single Declations System ONLINE Back Office Publ;ic authorities

17 Interactions: -Fill/send/receive forms -Information -Taxes

18 ○ Interactive map: History Public administration Companies Education Culture Health Geography Turism Religion Transport Environment Agriculture Justice Sport ○ Direct acces to all e-services ○ All local projects (status, budget) ○ Advanced search engine eRo 2

19 Interactions: -Fill/send/receive forms -Information -Taxes

20 ○ Central vault with information about all taxes (both citizens and companies) ○ Online payment (card and Internet Banking) ○ No extra investment for public administrations operating eTax systems ○ Includes an eTax solution SaaS

21 2013

22 KEY COMPONENTS: Entry point: Unique authentication platform The sync engine Transactional engine The administration’s “map” National Registries The DataBoxes The interoperability framework Security Strategic systems

23 Infrastructure High Performance Computer Supercomputer Data Center eServices Recovery Center

24 KEY FIGURES: 2010 – 100 e-Services 2011 – 300 e-Services 2013 – 600 e-Services Total budget – 500 Mil. EUR -More than 60% structural funds -152 Mil. EUR already attracted -More than 60% structural funds -168 eServices (2010 and 2011) -84 Mil. EUR for BB -Several new calls for projects these months -On other OP -Other external funds -PPPs -Central and local authorities -Coordinated state investments

25 Thank you!

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