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Bangladesh By: Maddie, Sam, and Megan. Background  75% of Bangladesh is less than 10m above sea level  Located on Ganges Delta  80% is flood plain.

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Presentation on theme: "Bangladesh By: Maddie, Sam, and Megan. Background  75% of Bangladesh is less than 10m above sea level  Located on Ganges Delta  80% is flood plain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bangladesh By: Maddie, Sam, and Megan


3 Background  75% of Bangladesh is less than 10m above sea level  Located on Ganges Delta  80% is flood plain  Heavy rain common  800 rivers run through the country

4 History  Massive floods common  Flood of 1970 - caused by tropical cyclone - Over 1 Million people died  The flood of 1988 - 82,000 km 2 of land, (60% of the area) - lasted 15 to 20 days

5 History Continued  The flood of 1998 - flooding covered 2/3 of country for 9 months - 2,000 drowned and 30 million left homeless - destroyed a ¼ of all the crops, thousands starved  The flood of 2003 - tropical cyclone that killed 1 million people and left 10’s of millions homeless

6 Why Care?  Millions die from drowning, starvation, and water borne illness  Mass migrations of refugees  Destroys crops and livestock

7 Future Issues  IPCC predicts rises in sea level will permanently flood 11% of Bangladesh  As climate warms, stronger storms are predicted  Population estimated to grow from 147 million in 2008 to 215 Million by 2050

8 Solutions  Preserve forests in Water Shed  Preserve and restore wetlands  Use floodplains for recharging aquifers  Sustainable agriculture and forestry

9 Solutions Continued  Straighten and deepen streams (channelization)  Build Levies and flood walls along streams  Build dams

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